Berlin Hells Angels murder with knowledge of the police ?: The prosecutor's office investigates the officials of the LKA


The so-called bookmaker murder process among rockers is developing into a tangible judicial scandal. More than four and a half years after the murderous raid on Tahir Ö. by members of the Hells Angels, the prosecutor now also for omission homicide – against three officials of the State Criminal Investigation Bureau (LKA). That's what Monday's Attorney General of Berlin, Jörg Raupach, announced. The three investigators were declared "forbidden to head the civil service until further notice", according to the police, there are also disciplinary procedures.

On the evening of January 10, 2014, 13 men partially masked were taken from Assault in the "Expekt" Paris shop in the district of Reinickendorf. A video of CCTV shows how she targeted Tahir Ö. ran and shot the card player. 25 seconds is the video. He was gone as fast as the killer squad had come.

Apparently, an act of revenge

For nearly four years, eleven members of the Hells Angels had to answer for rock chief Kadir P. in front of a district court court chamber. It is said that they were involved in the murder, apparently an act of revenge, Kadir P. is considered a presumptive client. In the meantime, the procedure has 233 days of negotiation.

Suspicion cured Thursday

But already at the beginning of the process in late 2014 There was a suspicion that LKA officials could have prevented the crime. But instead, according to the allegation of the family of the killed and their lawyers, they would have the death of Tahir Ö. not prevented from getting Kadir P.

Since Thursday night, this suspicion has been justified – by a legal opinion of Thomas Gross, the president president in the process. It was possible, says Gross before the summer holidays, that officials "deliberately and cheaply accepting" did not take enough countermeasures in Tahir Ö. protect. Thus, it was possible that the investigators would have accepted the death of the man in an approving manner

New suspicions after hearing about Kadir P.

"We launched after this legal notice Friday , a preliminary investigation against three LKA officials "says Raupach. The accusation is a strong homicide by omission. He explains that shortly after the act, the role of the LKA was revised criminally.

New suspicions arose when investigators from the LKA department responsible for the crimes of rock refused to testify in the trial of Kadir P. – in order to avoid possible prosecution. But the prosecutor's office only became aware that in February of this year. Says a police team in court, who "in a rare clarity, erroneously omitted investigations enumerated," said prosecutor Sjors Kamstra, who represents the prosecution in the process. It was first detected vague evidence of negligent homicide and open investigations.

The investigators Tahir Ö. sacrificed?

In fact, Tahir was Ö. has not been warned, although there are apparently three intercepted phone calls, which have shown that the 26-year-olds were in great danger. There were several errors in the investigation, admits Kamstra. For example, the alleged perpetrators of the Hells Angels were not sought in advance to prevent them from doing so – and they did not warn the subsequent victim. By design? Prosecutor Kamstra says it's hard to imagine that investigators Tahir Ö.

However, if the court considers the possibility, then there may be a so-called "execution" solution in the judgment. In other words, the accused would be punished for their mistakes by the police. "There has never been this case in Germany," says Raupach. In the case of a life sentence, this would mean that the convicted person could not apply for parole after 15 years, but earlier.

"This must never happen again"

"The accusations in the room weigh heavily," said Senator of the Interior Andreas Geisel (SPD). The prosecution will do everything possible to clarify the circumstances. He cautioned against drawing premature conclusions. It is necessary to wait for the investigation.

Peter Trapp (CDU), the chairman of the Interior Committee in the House of Representatives, however, demands that "the role of all LKA leaders" as well as "all the internal processes at the LKA" "Authority" are reviewed by the internal audit. "If the allegations are confirmed, it's clear: such a thing must never happen again." Marcel Luthe, spokesman for the FDP, stressed that it was necessary to clarify, "who knew to head the police."

The family's attorney is surprised

"I am surprised that the prosecution has come to this conclusion only now," says lawyer Mehmet Daimagüler of the Berliner Zeitung . He is one of the lawyers who killed the family of Tahir Ö. represented in the joint application. And also only against three officials of the LKA is determined. "To our knowledge, at least 19 police officers knew of the murder plans," he says

The co-complainant had indicated a few years ago that the police had accepted the O Tahir's death taken. Now, very dangerous members of organized crime could get out of jail earlier, just because the police did not do their job.

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