Berlin: The crowd attacks a couple with chairs and bottles



Violence in Berlin Crowd attacking a couple with chairs and bottles

| Reading time: 3 minutes

The capital has gone through a weekend of several violent group struggles. In all cases, there were wounded. The antecedents of the attacks are still largely obscure.

D The capital experienced a difficult weekend: an anti-Semitic attack, a major raid on a man threatening people with a gun – and group attacks in the neighborhoods of Kreuzberg, Marzahn and Schöneberg . There were several wounds

. In Schöneberg, a larger group attacked a young couple with chairs and bottles. A bottle hit the 18-year-old woman, so she fell unconscious to the ground, as the police said. The victim suffered minor injuries but refused medical treatment. The authority investigates because of serious violations of peace and insult. Officers arrested three young men near the scene. Victims and suspects are according to the police of German citizens.

According to recent surveys, Sunday's night's badault was preceded by an insult on a badual basis at a fast food restaurant, police said. The woman understood the insult in Arabic of a group and banned such remarks. The result was a conflict that threatened to degenerate

The couple escaped towards Wittenbergplatz. According to witnesses, the group persecuted the woman and her friend and attacked her with chairs and bottles. The 23-year-old man rescued with the unconscious woman in a garden. The aggressive group reportedly reached about 30 people

Marzahn: Attack with knives and pepper spray

In Marzahn, a 15-year-old man as well as 14 and 21 years old from a group of about 20 people were attacked. Assailants reportedly were armed with knives and pepper spray during the Friday incident, police said. The victims had to be treated as an outpatient. The reasons why the young German, the young Afghan and the young German of 21 years were attacked, were still vague Sunday

. This subject has been the subject of an investigation into a "particularly serious breach of peace". The attackers have been described as Arab. They escaped before the arrival of the police on the scene

Görlitzer Park: Connections with the drug scene

The circumstances of escalation of the conflict in the Görlitzer Park in Kreuzberg are not yet clear. A connection with the dealer scene in the park is possible – more details need to find the Kripo. In the park, drugs are sold openly. The merchants hid their goods partly in the bushes.

On Saturday night, three Iranian men were easily injured in a dispute with a larger group, the police said. A 21-year-old man suffered a superficial cut on his back while standing between a knife attacker and his 29-year-old companion. The 29-year-old was inflicted with a head laceration. The third man in the group of victims suffered skin abrasions.

See also

  Görlitzer Park

The conflict occurred after the 21-year-old wanted to relieve himself of a grove. He came with several unknowns in conflict. These would have suddenly begun to embark on the 21 years and his two companions. According to the police, the group of badailants grew up to 20 people – they kicked and beat their victims. It was only when the police approached that the thugs abandoned the men and escaped.

The number of stabbing attacks has increased since 2014

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A man up to now unknown attacks two men in a Berlin S-Bahn with a knife. In Munich, there is one dead and two wounded after a knife attack. More and more attacks with knives have been recorded since 2014.

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