Berlin woos the American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson | TIME ONLINE


Berlin / Milwaukee (dpa) – The American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson wants to relocate part of its domestic production abroad – and is courted by Berlin.

Stefan Franzke, general manager of economic development partner of Berlin sent mail abroad, a spokesman said Friday. Previously, the "Tagesspiegel" reported about it.

Berlin is the strongest economy capital in Europe, wrote Franzke to Harley Davidson boss Matthew Levatich. Many companies have recently moved their headquarters to Spree. The city attracts highly skilled talent from around the world.

"Most importantly, Berlin is the city of freedom," says the letter, dated July 4 – the day of the United States' independence. It is titled "Looking for freedom? Freedom Machine Berlin is our answer".

The letter arrived after the tracking of the shipment, said the spokesman of the Economic Development Agency. An answer is still pending. Franzke pointed out that BMW's motorcycle factory is also in Berlin. He also promised a grant to Harley-Davidson.

The cult company of Milwaukee in the US state of Wisconsin had announced at the end of June that it would reduce its production in the United States. The reason is the trade dispute between President Donald Trump and the EU. The company wants to avoid retaliatory tariffs from the EU in order to avoid price increases for customers in Europe. Harley-Davidson was initially unavailable for comment on Friday.

Report of the "Tagesspiegels"

Harley-Davidson Information

Information on Berlin Partner

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