Berliner regularly receives Amazon packages, even though it did not order anything


More than 30 Amazon packages, that she did not order, received a Berlin error because of a system error.

© dpa / Ina Fbadbender

The postman sounds for a Berlin woman even though she does not order anything. The 46-year-old man has already received more than 30 Amazon packages, some with surprising content.

Berlin – Who does not know? You order something and have to wait for the package forever. Or it does not matter and instead there is a note in the mailbox, which says you have to go to the next post office.

Andrea from Berlin is experimenting exactly the opposite. She gets packages that she did not order. The cause: An error in the system. In total, more than 30 unwanted packets have arrived from the Amazon, as the woman told the newspaper Bild.

Nonsense Content in Amazon Packages

The content of the packages is astonishingly varied: a tattoo machine for beginners, a dog throwing game, a Barbie doll, bras, a vacuum cleaner. But also things that you probably would not necessarily know as a normal consumer: for example, a towel hammock for bads and a rubber sleeve for enlarging members by 30 percent.

Preserve, Donate or Dispose of Items

Image Despairing Berliner: "All of this comes from the center of Amazon's back in Bad Hersfeld, these are things that customers really wanted return to the company. "

Amazon had already contacted Andrea in this regard. The merchant navy giant comments in an official letter: "You can decide for yourself whether you want to keep, give away or dispose of the articles, we have forwarded the case to our team of specialists for investigation."

What is Andrea with this thing?

So, what does Andrea do with all of this? "I give things to friends, I throw things away.In addition, apologize to her – the society of Mail order wants to check the incident and make sure it does not repeat itself, while ringing free packages with unknown content, but rather for an exciting surprise …

Woman orders a sauna hat from the Amazon and becomes shocking.

Ronja Menzel

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