Beware of morning dizziness


Dizziness in the morning should not be ignored

Some people have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, but it's not really rare. However, if you often feel dizzy or dizzy when you get up, this could be a harbinger of dementia.

Scientists from Johns Hopkins University of Maryland found in their recent study drowsiness or dizziness in the morning. can indicate the onset of dementia.

Dizziness and somnolence after sunrise may indicate dementia. (Image: Syda Productions /

What is orthostatic hypotension?

When people feel dizzy or start to feel stupor after getting up, this indicates orthostatic hypotension. Orthostatic hypotension occurs when blood pressure suddenly decreases by going from a sitting to a standing position. The study results show that people with this condition are about 1.5 times more likely to suffer from dementia in middle-aged people and twice as likely to suffer from an accident cerebrovascular. The Johns Hopkins University team in Maryland said the results show a new marker that doctors can detect early to prevent or delay the onset of age-related diseases.

What are the symptoms of orthostatic hypotension? When you get up after sitting or lying down, the body has to send blood and oxygen to the brain. If this does not happen, your blood pressure may drop significantly, leading to orthostatic hypotension, doctors say. Symptoms of the condition include dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, nausea, fatigue and fainting. There are many possible causes, including age, anemia, dehydration and some medications such as beta-blockers

How is Orthostatic Hypotension Treated?

Treatment of orthostatic hypotension depends on the underlying cause. If the condition is due to dehydration, doctors suggest an increase in fluid intake. If a medicine is the cause, your doctor may change the way you prescribe or dose you. Another treatment involves a compression stocking that prevents fluid accumulation in the legs when a person is lying down or sitting down.

Link Between Orthostatic Hypotension and Heart Disease

Orthostatic hypotension has been badociated with heart disease, fainting, and falls. Connection, says author of the study Dr. Andreea Rawlings of Johns Hopkins University, according to BBC News. Therefore, the researchers wanted to conduct a large study to determine if this form of hypotension is also related to problems in the brain, especially dementia.

The review had more than 11,700 participants

The study involved more than 11,700 participants examined and monitored medically for a period of 25 years. Participants, aged on average 54 years old, had not had a stroke or heart disease initially. At the beginning of the study, the team asked the participants to lie down for 20 minutes and then get up quickly. Blood pressure was measured once at rest and five times while standing. Doctors found that about five percent of the group suffered from orthostatic hypotension at the beginning of the study

What was the increased risk of dementia?

During the study, about nine percent of participants developed dementia and a little more like seven percent ischemic stroke. This occurs when an artery of the brain is blocked because of a blood clot. The results showed that participants with orthostatic hypotension at the start of the study were 54% more likely to develop dementia even when they were treated than people who did not. Nine percent of people without orthostatic hypotension developed dementia, compared to 12.5% ​​of people with dementia. In addition, people with orthostatic hypotension were twice as likely to suffer from ischemic stroke, according to the researchers.

More research is needed

The measurement of orthostatic hypotension in middle-aged people might be a new way of identifying people diagnosed with carefully monitored for dementia or dementia. "Stroke," says Rawlings. Other studies are now needed to clarify what these compounds might cause and to study possible prevention strategies. (As)

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