BILD with families of children included – "We laugh, cry, pray" – News abroad


They are stuck in the depths of a cave in Thailand. The rescue is very complicated and dangerous. The whole world is bewildered with twelve children of a football team and their trainer. BILD spoke to family members who hoped to be present

Bangkok – Your son became skinny. Noi Thanobhorn (42) turns to television, where parents hope to see their children

Twelve boys in a football team (eleven to 16 years old) and their coach are in Tham. Luang Cave in Thailand included. The monsoon rains had flooded the corridors

<img clbad = "photo ondemand zoomable" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-src = "https: //images.picture .com / photos-scale / a-video-shows-a-boy-included-200845466-56217792 / 2, w = 1280, c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" A video shows One of boys trapped "data-zoom-title =" A video shows one of the boys trapped: He sits in the football shirt in the cave, folding his hands to the traditional Thai salute


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A video shows one of the boys trapped: He sits in the football shirt in the cave, crossing his hands with the traditional Thai Photo: ROYAL THAI NAVY

The Little Duanypetch (14 ) is one of them. ] My son had to experience his 14th birthday in the cave.It's like a sensational carousel. We laugh, cry, pray, "says the mother

<img clbad = "zoomable ondemand photo" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAAAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =",w1280,c=0.bild.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Mother Noi Thanobhorn (42) "data-zoom-title =" Mother Noi Thanobhorn (42) looks forward to her son Duanypetch (14), who is constantly at the cave, sleeping on a chair

photo: Michael Hübner

"data -zoom-src =" " />

Mother Noi Thanobhorn (42) is looking forward to her son Duanypetch (14 years old). She is constantly at the cave, sleeping on a chair Photo: Michael Hübner

Because nature works against rescuers who want to free children …

Victims of the spirit of the mountain


Around the crash site, a camp with pavilions was built. Here too, the area reserved for parents has been set up. It is 36 degrees Celsius, the humidity is nearly 80%, the soil is muddy.

Vehicles constantly bring equipment to Doi Nang No, where is the cave. The tunnel system is about 10 kilometers long, is barely explored. Only a winding road leads through the forest here.

  Tham Luang Cave in Thailand - In this labyrinth children are trapped - computer graphics
Tham Luang Cave is located in northern Thailand on the border with Myanmar. Its entrance leads to a labyrinthine underground system with intermediate chambers. In this one, the water collected in the so-called "siphons" that block the exit. Some pbadages are so narrow that divers only go through a bottle of plunger.

Duanypetch is the captain of "boars". This is the name given to the twelve kickers of the football team, who hiked in the cave with their trainer (25) and who have been trapped since June 23 after heavy rains.

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Photo: Thai Navy Seal / Document by REUTERS TV

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A wizard treats a boy's foot. The skin is softened and inflamed by moisture and sand Photo: Thai Navy Seal / Document distributed via REUTERS TV

The mother: "We can not be mad at the coach, I think my child is going out. My son is strong I sleep in a chair and come home just once a day to take a shower. A monk with whom I prayed gave me a dress. It is a special honor in Buddhism. It gives me a lot of strength. "

But How Do the Twelve Boys Get Out?

When the group entered the cavern, torrential rain settled, letting the system chambers fill with water. water blocking the return And even when the pumps are running – a new monsoon rain threatens

<img clbad = "photo ondemand zoomable" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =",w=1280 , c = 0.picture.jpg "width =" 1280 "alt =" Thai family divers explore the cave "data-zoom-title =" Thai family divers explore the cave


"data-zoom-src =" /2.bild.jpg «/>

Divers of the Thai family exploring the cave Photo: PHOTO AFP AND SEAL OF THE THAI ROYAL NAVY / Handout

British rescue divers arrived Monday night. Seven navy soldiers, including two doctors, have always supported the children, staying with them whatever happens

The Dangerous Plan: The boys are supposed to dive by themselves in the narrow tunnels of the cave !

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Photo:, The Times / New Licenses / ddp

" data-zoom-src = " -the-rescue — Infografik-200845469-56217812 / image / 4.bild.gif «/>

Photo:, The Times / New Licenses / ddp

The problem: Not everybody knows how to swim. The soldiers now want to teach them this quickly

. But can children learn cave diving in such a short time? "They train to put on the masks and breathe under the water," says the chief of the rescue operation and governor of Chiang Rei Province.

"It would be ideal if the cave was completely dry, but it takes too much time.There is enough food for them in the cave, and once the water level is low enough, we will take them out.

Until then, boys must persevere: wrapped in thermal blankets, by the glow of light sticks

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Paramedics Yorayarun Yiboonrungroang (55 years old) worries about his grandson Chanin (11 years old), striker, number 20

Paramedics wrapped in bright blankets to stabilize their body temperature Photo: ROYAL THAI NAVY

She says, "I miss my grandson so much. I can not wait to see the children again. "

She will pray again tonight – that the rain has pity and that the boys will soon see the light of day

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