Biotech Report: Rally in Santhera, US Sector Plus – – Technology


( ) Frankfurt / New York 05.07.18 – Biotech shares were again stronger in German trading. Among other things, Santhera's papers attracted vigorously. MagForce and 4SC also increased slightly. Regeneron improves on Wall Street.

The DAX closed the trading day with a gain of 1.2% to 12,464 points. Among others, Volkswagen Daimler, BMW and Continental climbed here after reports of an American offer regarding taxes on cars came. Vonovia, Henkel and Beiersdorf were under pressure. MDAX improved by 0.6% to reach 25,811 points. The TecDAX rose 1.7% to 2.743, with Dialog Semiconductor, Isra Vision and Siltronic up significantly. In Germany, orders rose 4.4% in May. The euro can go up. On the other hand, the figures for the United States have been mixed. The large non-manufacturing PMI ISM rose 0.5 point to 59.1 points, while ADP announced new hires of 177,000 in June, which was below expectations. Wall Street draws the day before the entry into force of US import duties on Chinese products. The Dow Jones climbed 0.8% to 24,368 points and the NASDAQ gained 1.0% to 7,755 points.

In the German trade, Santhera's papers climb by 14.6% to 15.86 euros. The company has announced the release of new data relating to the pathological process of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

MagForce's papers soared 4.2 percent to 5.00 euros, for 4SC it rose 2.9 percent to 4.11 euros. Vita34 increased by 1.6% to 15.80 euros, for Evotec it increased by 1.3% to 15.57 euros and for Mologen by 0.5% to 0.89 euros.

On the other side stood MorphoSys, who lost 1.3% to 105.30 euros. BB Biotech corrected 0.8% to 57.05 euros. BioFrontera reduced by 0.2 percent to 5.49 euros.

Heavyweight papers were unequal in German commerce. Sanofi rose 1.5% to 72.34 euros and Novartis 0.6% to 65.58 dollars. On the other hand, there was AstraZeneca, which 1.3 percent to 59.32 euros.

On Wall Street, the NASDAQ Biotechnology index improves by 0.9% at 3,520 meters.

Here, the Puma Biotech article climbs 2.3% to 58.65 dollars, while Gilead Sciences increases 2.0% to 72.77 dollars. Gilead Sciences resumes after Jefferies badyst Michael Yee said the first data on a drug for rheumatoid arthritis could be interesting.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals climbed 2.5% to $ 362.60, Biogen up 2.1% to $ 299.60, Amgen climbed 1.2% to $ 187.96. Sarepta Therapeutics shares are down 1.1% to $ 134.38.

The fight against diabetes has become a gigantic task as global prosperity grows. In 2015, approximately 415 million people were diagnosed with diabetes worldwide and, by 2040, 642 million people. Researchers are looking for ways to control the dangerous disease. In recent decades, the development of therapy methods has stagnated, which could change now.

The Canadian Sernova Corp (WKN: A0LBCR ) developed an implantable and scalable device that is implanted in the human body, has therapeutic cells that release drugs such as Proteins and hormones can. This device, called Cell Pouch ™, is currently undergoing clinical trials in the United States. Approval was granted by the FDA in December. As part of these studies, the Cell Pouch will first be tested in type 1 diabetics with hypoglycemic perceptual disorders.


Off the Beaten Path Sernova Corp. (WKN: A0LBCR ) collaborated with four European partners on a therapeutic cell product releasing blood coagulation factor VIII in conjunction with Cell Pouch ™. As part of this consortium, European funds worth 5.6 million euros have already been used. Learn more about Sernova Corp. read here:

Sernova Corp. CEO Philip M. Toleikis recently received an interview with CTV News about the prospects of Sernovas Cell Pouch ™ expressed . The video can be found at the following link:

May 14, Sernova Corp. announced that the FDA-approved clinical trial plan The CellPouch ™ review study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Chicago. Sernova will be able to start selecting and recruiting patients to expand clinical trials in the United States. Read the whole message here:

Sovaova Corp begins in the United States with the selection of Patients and Recruitment for his study clinic on diabetes. As the company announced on July 5, a clinical evaluation of its Cell Pouch ™ has demonstrated its biocompatibility. From there, a protocol for the phase 1/2 study of Sernova could be elaborated. Read the full press release here:


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