Bode Miller: On the death of her daughter Emmy († 1): "I do not think it will ever be easier."


In a moving interview, former ski star Bode Miller spoke of the difficult period following the accidental death of her daughter Emmy († 1) and explained what prompted him and his family to look at l & # 39; before.

The past six months have been the worst in the life of American ski star Bode Miller (40) and his wife, former beach volleyball player Morgan Beck (31). In June, the couple's granddaughter died as a result of a tragic accident. Emmy had gone unnoticed in the pool and could not be saved. She was only 19 months old. In the video above, you will learn everything about the terrible tragedy.

A glimmer of hope in this difficult time

Morgan was pregnant at that time and in October, she and Bode became the parents of a young son. A positive point in this incredibly difficult time, as the former professional athlete said in the American show "Today". "There is one thing that can almost help relieve that pain and fill the void in your heart, it's a baby," said the 40-year-old, who also gave the name of his son for the first time on his show: Easton Vaughn Rek Miller.

Morgan had already shared the first baby photos on Instagram (if you can not see the article, click here):

Check out this post on Instagram

When we came out of the hospital without our Emmy, desperation and uncertainty surrounded us. Emmy, what to check on the baby in my belly. So, 5 days after her loss, I asked the ultrasound to check if the baby was growing in my belly. Enter my future without my daughter looking like a dagger. How can life change so quickly? During the last ultrasound, my baby wonders what she is looking at on the screen. And now she was gone. This time, I asked the technician to do it quickly. I asked, "no." She quickly maneuvered the wall around my belly, checking all the parts. When you looked at the baby's profile, she said, "I know you do not want a 3D image. I want to be quick." While the screen was going into 3D imaging, I saw the face of my pretty baby. He looked so much like my other babies: just like Bode with his sweet nose and fleshy lips. But as soon as I saw this baby, my eyes moved to the right of his face, holding him in his arms around his neck. Almost like saying, "It's okay, I'm going to go, I love you." I hold this picture as a clear sign that my son knows his sister. It's my little girl Emmy is always with us. And now that our nice little boy is here on the ground, he's holding it now.

An article shared by Morgan Miller (@morganebeck) on

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