Bolsonaro announces repression of critical media | TIME ONLINE


The new president of Brazil challenges the critical voices in the country. One measure: more support from official advertising.

Under the new president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, some media may lack significant financial resources in the future.
© Ricardo Moraes / Reuters

The future president of Brazil is apparently preparing for a fight with the media in his country. In a television interview, Jair Bolsonaro answered the question of whether or not he was the freedom of the press, including that of the main critic of his newspaper. Folha de S.Paulo, would respect, "This paper is finished." He also did not want to support such leaflets with regard to government advertising, he said.

The budget allocated to state media advertising, which he will control in the future, is about half a billion dollars. For many Brazilian media, the financial situation could be difficult in the coming years.

Bolsonaro had already criticized the Brazilian press during the election campaign. He described the investigation reports as false reports from a corrupt institution. Like US President Donald Trump, he rose up against "Fake News". His supporters have launched critical journalists.

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