Bonn: Police respond to allegations of Jewish professor beaten


Fatal confusion, excessive use of force and lies in a press release: The Bonn police face mbadive charges for their actions in an anti-Semitic attack against an Israeli professor. Investigation of the officials involved in the deployment last Wednesday

What does the professor accuse the police? And who is the subject of an investigation? The overview

What happened on Wednesday at the Bonner Hofgarten?

Jitzchak Jochanan Melamed, professor of Israel, teaches at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Last week, while he was in Bonn for a conference, he was attacked in the courtyard garden by a German with Palestinian roots. The 20-year-old would have pushed the university professor, stunned Kippa and insulted him. Among other things, he called "More Jews in Germany". Police reported in a press release and Melamed himself in a letter to several media, which is also SPIEGEL.

When Melamed was attacked, called a teacher's mate the police. The forces confused Melamed with the attacker, controlling him and beating him. There is no doubt that the agency has confused and defeated the press release. However, she also spread that Melamed had not stopped and resisted.

What Melamed accusing the police of?

The philosophy professor accuses the authority of spreading lies about the incident. He had run after the attacker to point the policeman in the direction. According to his letter, four or five policemen immediately followed him: "They pushed my head against the ground and, while I was completely out of action and barely able to breathe, they started to slap my face. Melamed says he's been beaten dozens of times.

He had not defended himself in any way, he had just said that he was the bad guy. After the error was clarified, the guards also tried to dissuade him from complaining. Among other things, the phrase "Do not joke with the German police has fallen".

Melamed personally apologized that the Bonn police chief, Ursula Brohl-Sowa, apologized to Melamed in his statement as a "clear and fallacious political movement". How do the authorities treat the accused?

Investigations against the police lead the Bonn public prosecutor's office and the Cologne police. The participation of the four police officers involved in the incident will be examined, said Sebastian Buß, spokesman for the prosecutor. According to information from NRW Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU), disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against all officials involved in employment.

Specifically, this concerns the suspicion of bodily injury in the office. Further details of the ongoing investigation would not be announced currently, Buß said. The Cologne police did not want to comment on the incident for this reason.

Robert Scholten, spokesman for the Bonn police, said that there was a hint of criminal crackdown in the office of the play. "The investigation is also an attempt to dissuade the professor to the custody of a complaint."

According to Scholten is certain that an official was violent: "We know that a colleague beat." This does not render any service in the state of operational readiness. He is currently writing sick. According to the police, the officer was transferred to another office

What do the police say about the professor's allegations?

The Bonn police do not dispute the allegations, but do not comment on them in detail and refers to the ongoing investigation. We have to wait for the result, says spokesman Scholten. However, he acknowledged that confusing the victim with the offender was a "terrible misunderstanding". In such incidents, there is a deployment dynamic. However, this "does not justify that happening."

"We are really sorry for the whole situation, after all the teacher has experienced violence, we are aware that this is not correct," Scholten said. If the professor's accusation of having received dozens of shots was confirmed, "we must ask if it was disproportionate."

However, Scholten rejects Melamed's claim that which the apology of the police chief was a political gesture: It was not a public relations action, she had a deep reason – a sincere regret. "In the meantime, there have been no other attempts to contact the professor

What allegations are made against the original attacker?

According to prosecutor Sebastian Buß investigate the authorities against the 20 years for incitement, insult and aggression.

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