Bonn: Policeman shot in critical shooting range


Bonn –

Terrible accident at the Bonn police headquarters on Monday afternoon. During a field training, a 23-year-old police officer was seriously injured by a colleague by a bullet in the back of the neck.

Emergency surgery at the University Clinic in Bonn

The officers (22, 23) were just on the way to the locker room at the shooting range – then dissolved in the basement tube of the ball in which the 23-year-old was hit in the back of the neck. The rescuers immediately took the injured man to the university hospital. Fortunately, the young public servant was not in danger after an emergency surgery: he continues to receive intensive medical care.

According to recent investigations, the police presumed that his 22-year-old colleague had been misled.

Background not clear

On Monday around 4.50 pm, the young colleagues took with them their service weapons and their "red weapons". These are identical but ineffective weapons. Although they have the same weight, a shot can not be made from you and so they are used for example in the formation of attack scenes.

The exact circumstances and context of the terrible accident are still unclear.

The Cologne police determined

Under the direction of the Bonn Prosecutor's Office, an investigation team of nine members of the Cologne police has resumed the investigation and is currently questioning Bonn's presidency witnesses. The 23-year-old victim is not yet accessible.

This 22-year-old colleague suffered a shock and is currently not on duty.

A previous version of this article indicated that the injured policeman was 30 years old. This information was corrected by the police on Tuesday morning.

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