Borussia Dortmund: Christian Pulisic and Julian Weigl excluded from law – Bundesliga


Even more good news for all BVB fans!

The leader of the Bundesliga won by 2-0 in Monaco and in Group A of the Champions League, stands in front of Atletico Madrid in the second round. And so that everything goes well, the club now puts a veto to two stars who plan to leave in winter!

Christian Pulisic (20) and Julian Weigl (23) are at the center of the big European clubs. Just a sale of Pulisic, about which Chelsea London has been heavily dredged, Dortmund would have cashed more than 50 million in cash, but the chance of the championship counts more.

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Christian Pulisic played his 16th match of the season in MonacoPhoto: VALERY HACHE / AFP

"In the winter, we will not make an important player, essential to achieve our sporting goals, it's obvious," says manager Michael Zorc (56) at SPORT BILD.

And further: "I strongly suppose that Christian still wears the BVB jersey in February".

Change veto for the title!

The accusation that they exchanged the great opportunity for the championship against several million euros, no one wants to support in Dortmund.

The situation is similar with Weigl, who ran in Monaco from the beginning.

As a coach, Lucien Favre plans with both players and who, despite great ambitions, can leave the club, read the new print edition of SPORT BILD – from today in the trade!

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