Borussia Mönchengladbach: Despite the shock diagnosis – Matthias Ginter pays homage to Dieter Hecking


Mönchengladbach –

Fracture of the orbit. broken jaw. The operation will follow on Tuesday. Matthias Ginter (24), injured in the face, Borussia paid the trio at home against Hanover.

50 competitive games in a row – then the shock

The first round is over for the national team. The world champion had already played 50 official first-minute last-minute matches for Gladbach. After 4540 minutes of service, he was swept away by a hammer wound. He was taken to the hospital by ambulance. ,

After the operation Tuesday, Ginter announced Wednesday morning on Instagram with his supporters.

"I know, everything still looks a little awkward and the laughter does not work properly, but otherwise I'm fine," he writes, adding: "With the head / brain, everything is fine and, thankfully , the eye got nothing, so again was lucky in the misfortune.The operation went as planned and the healing process began. "

Learn more about Matthias Ginter's shock here.

Dieter Hecking does not count with the world champion until after the winter holidays

Mega-bitter! Coach Dieter Hecking (54) said of the shock: "Of course, we have received this message, but we hope that Matthias Ginter will be able to be there fairly quickly." Relatively fast, he will be available again after the winter break . "

Hecking: "He's going to occupy it professionally"

We learn further: In January, at the training camp of Jerez in Spain, Ginter could possibly get involved again. Hecking adds, "Anyone who knows matzo knows how professional he is, I've been in touch with him for a while, he's optimistic," he said, "Coach, I'll be back in two weeks."

Captain Lars Stindl: Such injuries are dangerous "

Borussia captain Lars Stindl, 30, told EXPRESS: "It's all very bitter, just face wounds, and we've had that with Chris Kramer a lot of times in the past. We are obviously in shock, the failure of Matses is a bitter loss for us, it is extremely important for us as a type and athlete, but we do not complain, we will try to make up for that. "

Hope is the example of Christian Gentner: he was missing only 38 days

The fact is that Stuttgart Christian Gentner (33 years old) had to take a diagnosis similar to that of Ginter in the second part of the season had to take a break of 38 days. Ex-captain Martin Stranzl (38 years / end of career), however, fell in 2015 after a fracture to the eye including a broken face and a day postoperative of 108 days, or nearly four months, also complaining sometimes of visual disturbances.

"Football God" Tony Jantschke should compensate for this failure

In Gladbach, Tony Jantschke (28) is closing the gap between Ginter. Hecking: "He has all our confidence."

Read here: will the Oxford return action take place?

Christensen or Oxford as a winter engagement?

Nevertheless, the failure of Ginter weakens the hottest hunters in Dortmund. Will Borussia reach the transfer market again in winter because of the shock caused by Ginter? Names such as Christensen (Chelsea) or Oxford (West Ham), former acquaintances of Bas-Rhin, are under discussion.

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