Bremen: Parents knuckle with knives while three young children are sleeping next to each other


The two parents found dead in an apartment in Bremen on Wednesday morning killed each other with the same knife, as announced on Friday

Public Prosecutor's Office
. "Both bodies suffered both defensive and offensive wounds," said a spokesman for the prosecutor at the request severe . Beside the dead, the murder weapon was lying, a household knife. No matter who started stabbing at the other, so can not be rebuilt.

The triggers of the family tragedy were, according to the investigators, apparently a separation dispute. The couple was recently separated and then played Tuesday night. The two had gone with the knife one to the other and finally succumbed to their stab wounds. The man and the woman were each 30 years old and had three children


According to the results of the autopsy, both died in the evening, the bodies were in the family apartment during the night. In the next room, the three children of the couple were sleeping at the time of the crime. The eldest daughter found the bodies the next morning and alerted the police and emergency services shortly before 8 am. How old are the children exactly, the authorities do not want to go public to protect them. The daughter and her two siblings were all three under ten years old. Children were cared for by the emergency services and handed over to the service of children and adolescents Wednesday

Bremen: No information on previous missions

The investigators found no clue as to to the involvement of a third party. There will be no further investigation on the issue, said the spokeswoman. On the severe claim the prosecution also stated that they had "absolutely no knowledge" that there had been previous domestic violence badignments in the family .

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