Brexit Hell work for the May policy


The Cabinet seeks a common position on Brexit in the country house of the British Prime Minister. However, almost no one expects success, the government has no firm plan.

By Cathrin Kahlweit London

Maybe that would solve the problem? The Times suggested that the British football coach Gareth Southgate should hold the Brexit negotiations for the kingdom. Whatever it is, he does his job professionally and disciplined, and his team acts like a real team, not like a warrior tribe.

Now, given the entry into the quarterfinals of England at the World Cup in Russia, perhaps too much football metaphors The Times commentator is right: unlike Saturday's match, when the English team plays against Sweden, almost no one in the UK expects the day before, at the Cabinet meeting in Checkers, to be considered a success. Checkers is the Prime Minister's country residence, where the ministers will retire; On the island, such a ministerial clbad excursion is often called "day of absence".

Before retirement, bellicose tribes within the ruling conservative party positioned themselves, open letters, critical interviews, mutual insults on Twitter included. Although rumors are circulating that none of the Cabinet members, like Brexit Minister David Davis, is threatening to resign in protest at an unbearable outcome. Environment Minister Michael Gove does not want to tear up the records this time, as he should have done recently. But at the same time in Checkers is publicly negotiating who could follow Prime Minister Theresa May, she should plunge into escalating conflict

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The basic problem: In three months, the results of the negotiations will be available, which will regulate the future relations of the second largest European economy and the European Union. But nothing really precedes the fundamental issues because the British Cabinet is deeply divided. Not to mention the fact that Parliament is threatening resistance and is putting mbadive pressure on the economy (see report below).

The key questions are unresolved and everything is connected to everything: how to prevent a hard border in Ireland? How can the Kingdom ensure that it continues to trade with the EU smoothly and cost-effectively, while leaving the Customs Union and the Single Market, and the four fundamental freedoms that prevail in the EU (goods, services, capital and people) Do you want to pay attention to dimensions? In Brussels, it says: The four fundamental freedoms are not negotiable. What proposal, the month of May apparently to present in Checkers, would be out of the running even before being EU chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, on the table: where is the home market – but only for the goods. In the area of ​​migration, for example, the kingdom is trying to close the door to the EU

So, one wonders in the governmental district, can Brussels be persuaded not to call the British proposals " picking "? And finally: May can lead the country, which voted in favor of Brexit, in what is now called the soggy Brexit, which largely accepts the rules of the Customs Union and the single market? That's exactly what it looks like now.

It's a hell of a job that May is about to face – and where she failed until here. She quickly joined her colleague Mark Rutte this week in Holland to explore the lines of compromise, Thursday she visited Angela Merkel in Berlin, and also with France behind the scenes for a softening of the joint line of the United States. EU is fought.

But first and foremost, London must present a "white paper", its own proposal, before it can be divided, softened, processed. David Davis, after all the Brexit Minister, wrote a letter to May in advance, according to Telegraph . A third way in Brexit, a partial stay in the domestic market and the customs union according to the British taste, as it is currently being discussed, is wishful thinking. Prior to the Checkers meeting, two working groups had discussed whether there was a viable solution for Ireland beyond the Brussels proposal, which would allow Northern Ireland to remain in the UK. Customs union to avoid a border with the Republic of Ireland.

Proposals, a technical solution that will make controls superfluous, and a complicated arrangement ("Customs Partnership"). Thus, Great Britain would collect and pbad on customs duties for the EU. Both were rejected by Brussels. Now May wants to propose a third way, whose details have been disconcerting for days. Davis says the new model is a mixture of the first two and equally impractical; Someone in the Brexit Ministry reportedly announced that he was going to "shoot high".

Whoever dares to make a forecast in London, supposes that the pieces end like Hornberg's shooting: only a big roar, so nothing comes out. The EU can still wait for the moment; but also Commission emissaries, who are in London these days, are getting nervous because the fronts tend to harden. By the end of the summer, a halt in negotiations, a fall in May, could be a struggle for succession and new elections. The government district is already discussing, as a precautionary measure, the extension of the transition period after March 29, 2019, to allow more time to end the chaos. He says in Brussels: "This should be asked until October."

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