Brexit Minister Dominic Raab: "Then Great Britain Will not Pay $ 39 Billion"



Brexit Minister Angry with the EU "Then Great Britain Will not Pay $ 39 Billion"

  Britain wants to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. Dominic Raab at the head of the negotiations on the British side   Britain wants to leave the United Kingdom. EU on March 29, 2019. Dominic Raab at the head of the negotiations on the British side

Britain wants to leave the EU on March 29, 2019. Dominic Raab will lead negotiations on the British side

Source: REUTERS [19659010] The British must pay 39 billion pounds for their exit from the EU. Dominic Raab, the new Brexit minister in the United Kingdom, is now threatening not to settle the divorce bill. It's the fault of the EU alone.

D The new British Brexit Minister, Dominic Raab, has presented the regulation of the draft law to the European Union as unsecured. The UK might not pay the cost of separating 39 billion pounds from the EU's if there is no common trade agreement, Raab said in The Sunday Telegraph

"It can not be that side – their part of the market is filled and the other part is not, or slowly moving forward, or is not on their side "said Raab.

Britain and the EU seem to be far from hearing about the terms of a new trade relationship withdrawn after Brexit. Conservative Party May also has no unified position on which Brexit policy should support them.

See also

  Great Britain and Europe Brexit the EU. Cracks begin to appear in the Brexit plan when Article 50 is invoked. Getty ImagesGetty Images

According to Jacob Rees-Mogg, the influential opponent of Brexit, Britain is heading for an exit from the EU without agreement. However, he rejects a break in negotiations with Brussels. "I think we should continue to bargain until the end," conservative conservative Tory said Saturday at the LBC station. The day before, Rees-Mogg called the EU mafia.

The eccentric backbench is one of the fiercest opponents of Prime Minister Theresa May, head of the parliamentary lobby group "European Research Group" in London

. Leave the EU in March 2019. But negotiations on Brexit are stuck on crucial points – especially in the Irish border issue, while the remaining 27 EU states met Friday at Brussels to deliberate. European negotiator Michel Barnier called on London to work quickly on proposals. There were only 13 weeks left to reach an agreement.

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