Brexit: Newspaper: EU makes concessions on Irish issue in Brexit negotiations


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Protest poster at the border between Ireland and the north of Ireland Protest poster at the border between Ireland and the north of Ireland

Protest poster at the border between Ireland and the north of Ireland

Source: AFP

The Transitional Customs Union should include the whole of the United Kingdom – not just Northern Ireland

BAccording to a newspaper article, during negotiations on Brexit, the EU would have made a concession on the central issue of the border with Ireland. According to the Sunday Times, Brussels has agreed to leave the UK temporarily in the Customs Union. This was requested by the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, while Brussels initially wanted only to temporarily maintain the province of Northern Ireland in the Customs Union. May's spokesperson did not want to confirm the report. According to Sky News, he spoke of "speculation".

The question of the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is a major issue in the negotiations just under five months before the British exit from the EU. The EU had proposed to leave Northern Ireland in the Customs Union until a trade agreement with Great Britain was concluded and border controls were concluded. between Ireland and Northern Ireland become redundant.

According to the Sunday Times, it would be a concession made to the hard-core Brexit by party colleagues in May to give an "exit clause" from the Customs Union. British Eurosceptic conservatives fear that their country will be forced into an endless customs union with the EU and never pursue its own trade policy, as Brexit hoped.

According to the report, the EU agreed that there should be regular inspections of goods in factories and stores instead of border controls between Ireland and Ireland the North. The agreement also gives London the opportunity to conclude its own free trade agreement with Canada, similar to the 2016 agreement between the EU and Canada.

May must reflect the agreement on Brexit with the Opposition Labor Opposition in Parliament. It therefore depends on the approval of the largest possible number of MEPs who have argued in front of the Brexit Conservatives and the votes of the coalition partner, the ultra-conservative Northern Irish Democratic Party (DUP). The Prime Minister wants to prevent the end of March 2019, a disorderly exit from the EU of their country.

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