Brexit: The Irish border issue remains the biggest problem


Brexit: The Irish border issue remains the biggest problem

LONDON. May: 95% of the agreement of retraction is settled

Brexit: The Irish border issue remains the biggest problem

Theresa May Image: REUTERS

The future border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, a member of the EU, remains the main subject of the Brexit negotiations. British Prime Minister Theresa May does not agree with the recent Brussels proposals to solve the Irish problem. That's what she said yesterday in her speech to parliament, campaigning for her controversial Brexit course.

On the other hand, Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney insists on a safeguard clause in the EU's exit treaty, with which Northern Ireland would initially remain part integral of the Customs Union.

May called on critics of his party to support his exit strategy from the EU. "The Brexit discussions are not about me or my personal destiny, but about the national interest," the Conservative leader wrote in a commentary for The Sun. The situation demands "the right decisions, not the easy ones".

"In total," 95% of the exit agreement and its protocols are regulated, May said in Parliament. The most important problem however remains the question of how to keep the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.

"I said it had to be done without creating a kind of border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK," May wrote in The Sun. It would "undermine our precious Union" and jeopardize peace in Northern Ireland. The prime minister is under mbadive domestic pressure. The Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland (DUP), which governs in May, has already threatened to block its budget if the province of Northern Ireland had a special status.

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