Brexit: The Rolls-Royce engine builder plans to buy parts


Fear of the consequences of an uncontrolled Brexit could the British engine maker Rolls-Royce soon increase its stock of spare products as a precautionary measure.

It was not yet time for inventories to be created, said CEO Warren East at the air show in Farnborough, England. However, in a few months this might become necessary, perhaps in the last quarter of 2018.

East was frustrated by the lack of clarity of the EU's planned exit from the EU. The white paper released by Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday was rather positive, but it was truncated at the lower house on Monday. "We can not rely on anything," said East

. Like Rolls-Royce, other companies fear that no agreement will be reached on future trade relations with the State Union until the British leave the United States. EU end of March 2019 is. For example, Airbus has recently warned that its own production in the UK could be immobilized. Airbus builds the wings of its pbadenger planes on the island.

Rolls-Royce had already issued an emergency plan in April to avoid interruptions in engine delivery. Among other things, the plan is considering moving some of the development towards Germany.

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