British fine: maximum penalty for Facebook


In the scandal of millions of user data transmitted, the British DPA wants to prove the American company with a fine of 500,000 pounds. In India too, the network threatens problems.

Britain wants to punish Facebook for the disclosure of user information by the Cambridge data badysis company with a fine of 500,000 pounds (565,000 euros). The network did not protect the user's data and therefore violated the law, said the British data protection authority ICO. In addition, the company had not transparently shown how the data had been erased.

Punishment is not yet final

Facebook still has the opportunity to respond to Denham's letter of intent before a final decision is made, His goal Ultimate is "to bring change and restore confidence in our democratic system," said Elizabeth Denham, chief of the ICO

. It allows significantly higher penalties.

Facebook under pressure worldwide

This company is in a serious crisis because of the data scandal. Data from about 87 million users of the online network had landed at Cambridge Analytica and were used illegally for the election campaign of US President Donald Trump. Facebook is therefore faced with a large number of investigations conducted by the supervisory authorities and investigation.

Serious allegations against WhatsApp in India

The group is also facing hardships in India: the government calls WhatsApp, an instant messaging service based on Facebook immediate precautions against the spread of rumors and hate speech. The trigger of the demand is the forced death of at least 20 people, mainly in rural areas of India, who are innocent of social media such as WhatsApp for crime. how kidnappings of children have been blamed. After the messages with false accusations spread, the crowds rallied and practiced lynching

First technical measures

WhatsApp responded to the government announcement that a new feature would be soon introduced to India to detect if a message had been created by the sender or was transmitted. An awareness campaign on false information is also planned. India is the largest courier market. Of the approximately 200 million users, many have no experience of using the Internet and information disseminated in this country.

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