British Government Approves Brexit Strategy | TIME ONLINE


British government seeks "free trade zone" after Brexit
with the EU. The firm agreed to this common position at a retreat, said Prime Minister Theresa May
known. In the free trade area should common rules for industrial products
and agricultural products apply. With this objective wants
Britain is now entering the Brexit negotiations with the EU.

Ministers met with their County Controllers to discuss the internal dispute over the future design of the
Trade relations with Europe. Resistance to
Prime Minister came mainly from Brexit extremists,
those who were in favor of a clean break with the EU and little plan of May
an adaptation to European rules on trade.

Can, however, put the cabinet behind its position
"In detailed discussions, the Cabinet has today
our common position for negotiations with the EU
agreed ", she explained, the British controversy
The government has increasingly weighed on the negotiations with Brussels. EU states have recently expressed concern that Britain has still not presented a clear negotiating objective nine months before the planned withdrawal of the EU. ; EU.

Continuing close ties with the European single market

According to Mays, Great Britain wants according to the plans of the goods traffic also after the
Release of the EU closely to the European internal market
stay attached. This is to prevent the
cross-border trade and supply chains between the United Kingdom and
affected by the continent. This should be guaranteed
through a common rule book in which the rules and regulations of London EU
Product standards take over.

The three other freedoms – capital, labor and
Services – but should be restricted. if
The British want to stop the unhindered entry of EU citizens and
to go their own way in the service sector. You're taking it
at purchase, that banks and insurance companies do not have unrestricted access
more about the internal market of the EU.

It is unclear whether the EU is at a
to engage in such a business. Until now, the EU has not considered the four freedoms of the single market as distinct

London intends to withdraw from the European Customs Union
the country has its own trade agreements with third countries such as the United States and China
can close. To still have border controls between the British
Northern Ireland and Ireland, member of the EU, want to avoid the British
for imports from third countries, collect two customs duties
for goods destined for the European market and
others for goods for sale in the UK. also
this should be welcomed with skepticism in Brussels.

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