British superstar: Leona Lewis is engaged – with Dennis Jauch from Hamburg-Eimsbüttel


This hamburger has won the big jackpot in love: the choreographer Dennis Eder of Eimsbüttel (30) and the British singer Leona Lewis (33) are engaged and adore the happiness in love. They met while he was a dancer.

"It's amazing that our pbadions of music and dance brought us together eight years ago during a tour across the UK from different parts of the world," said the two fiancés at " Gala".

They also enthusiastically stated, "Now we want to convey our happy message to all who have supported us and have seen how our relationship has developed over the years." They did it and showed everyone their love happiness on Instagram.

Everyone should share his happiness

Under the romantic black and white photo in his post, the artist has made his darling a wonderful statement of love.

"My heart sings the happiest song she's ever sung in. I'm almost overjoyed and I'm upset at the feeling of being able to start this new adventure with my best friend (…)! Dennis, I I'm looking forward to being your wife. "Hach, that's nice!

Then Leona writes, "I came with you and you came true, you are the most caring, kindest and most inspiring person I have ever met."

She comes from the UK, he comes from Bremerhaven

Coming from a place near Bremerhaven, Dennis would have made his first dance steps at the age of three in his parents dance school.

The promising start of a career. Like his fiancé, this 30-year-old started working as a dancer and choreographer with stars like Beyonce. He also works as a coach in the casting show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar".

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Singer Leona Lewis (33) and her lover Dennis Jauch (30).

Leona won a casting twelve years ago

The career of his future began during such a casting. Twelve years ago, Leona won the British edition of "The X Factor" and started with the catchy ballad "Bleeding Love".

Meanwhile, he had become a little quieter for the Londoner with the powerful voice, but his single "Headlights" recently reissued should again give a new impetus to the career.

The couple's new home is Los Angeles

According to Gala, Leona often visited Dennis at her home in Eimsbüttel. Together, they crossed the Hagenbeck Zoo. Meanwhile, the two lovebirds live in Los Angeles.

A place and a date for the wedding are not yet fixed. Who knows, maybe the glittering party will even go to Dennis' old house, Eimsbüttel …

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