Briton died of Nowitschok poisoning – politics


  • The Briton, who was hospitalized with a poison from Nowitschok, is dead, Scotland Yard said Sunday evening
  • The 44-year-old woman and her 45-year-old partner were hospitalized in Salisbury a week ago.
  • Investigators believe that the couple from Amesbury accidentally came into contact with the deadly neurotoxin

The woman in southern England, Amesbury, who was in contact with l & # 39; nervous agent Nowitschok, is deceased. in Salisbury. British police said Sunday night. More in-depth investigations have begun, Scotland Yard said. The woman leaves three children, said the head of the British antiterrorist unit. His 45-year-old partner, who was also exposed to poison on June 30, remains in critical condition, police said.

Last weekend, both were hospitalized in the southern region of England, according to Findings Scotland Yard came into contact with a "contaminated object" during his intoxication.

British Prime Minister Theresa May was "shocked and shocked": "The police and security forces are working hard to clarify the facts in this case," she said. The head of the British Anti-Terrorist Unit said the death of the woman reinforced the police's determination to investigate.

Investigators believe that the couple from Amesbury accidentally came into contact with the deadly neurotoxin. The two may have found a vial or syringe containing remnants of the poison used in the attempted badbadination of former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal, 67, and his daughter Julia, 33 , early March at Salisbury. They survived the attack and now live in a secret place. At that time, London accused Moscow of being the brain of the attack, and the Kremlin vehemently denied the allegations. In the case of the poisoned couple, the police closed six areas in Amesbury and Salisbury, 13 kilometers away, where the first two symptoms were staying. These include a pharmacy, a church and the house of 45-year-olds. The hostel where his girlfriend lived was evacuated. In addition, 1300 hours of surveillance cameras are evaluated to find out where the couple was in the hours prior to poisoning.

Authorities explain police after Nowitschok

The officer may have been in contact with the weapon. Only a week ago, a couple was hospitalized for poisoning.

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