Brühl pool: rescuer beaten because tokens are not allowed


G Great tumult in the swimming pool of the municipality of Brühl (Baden-Württemberg), which has 14,000 inhabitants: Because a bather could not eat french fries by the pool, l & # 39; 39, man beating the lifeguard

Scratches and bruises. The unknown man has escaped.

Before the badault Saturday in the bath near Heidelberg, the man by the pool had eaten fries. The rescuer pointed out that this was not allowed. This made the stranger furious in such a way that he first aggressively shouted and threatened the 28-year-old and finally beat and kicked the victim several times.

See also

<img data-src = "" src = "https: // "data-component =" LazyLoad "style =" background-image: url (' /badets/images/global/welt_fallback-f924e6874c.gif '); " alt = "The jogger was dragged into the bush 19659006] To avoid further beatings, the rescuer seized the unknown, he was able to break free and continued to hit, and several other bathers rushed to help the staff of the outdoor pool.Even before the arrival of the police, the culprit escaped with a companion

The investigators can still find the attacker.The witnesses noted the license plate of the car in which the man escaped. Police determined Schwetzingen.

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