Bumpy start for the controversial statement portal of the AFD


Sometimes it works, sometimes it gives an error message, then it works again, but not yet: Who visited Monday evening or Tuesday morning, in time for the beginning of the portal "Neutral School Berlin" of the AfD group of Berlin on the Internet and use the contact form that it contained wanted, in many cases, received the message that it was disabled: "This form is disabled."

In other cases, however, the connection worked and you could name in addition to the name, e-mail, phone also in the category "incident type" and send it to the AFD group.

Unlike the AfD faction in Brandenburg, the controversial website was put online Monday afternoon. However, the crucial report form, in which parents and students should register their complaints, could only be used for a few hours without any problems. From the evening, the message "This form is deactivated" has been read and the contact form is only partially usable.

AFD spokesman Andreas Heinzgen had not even been informed of the initial failure, according to RBB. Therefore, he could not say if it was "a technical failure or a possible server overload".

As reported, the Brandenburg parliamentary group made a false start on Friday but would like to make a second attempt on Tuesday afternoon.

The AFD group, which plans or has already set up such a complaints portal, justifies it by citing citizens about alleged violations of political neutrality in schools. Since students and parents feared the disadvantages, they "would not dare" bring criticism to school, says the AfD Berlin website. Therefore, she offers her support. On the citizen registration form of the AfD Berlin, in this case deactivated, it is sufficient to indicate the e-mail address and the "type of incident". The fields for the first and last names were provided, as opposed to Hamburg.

No connection under this page. This message also attracted users of the AfD group on Tuesday morning.Screen capture: Tsp

Irritation after a tweet

Former pirate politician Christopher Lauer was worried Monday. He spoke on the Twitter news service and called on the House of Representatives to "stop" the project, provided that the "infrastructure" of the state parliament portal is provided. He was "sure that this is not one of the initial tasks of a group". The answer of the President of the European Parliament, Salvador Becker, was however brief and concise, namely that the factions operated their websites under their own responsibility. There is no legal basis for an intervention by the parliamentary administration.

The fact that portals can not be legally addressed is also corroborated by the fact that similar websites of the AfD in Hamburg and Saxony are still online. However, hackers ensure that factions of the AfD get work by leaving portals with quotes from AfD politicians.

The Baden-Württemberg site is still offline

The pirates of Baden-Württemberg are particularly active. AfD deputy Stefan Räpple had set up a reporting portal on 11 October and announced that he might wish to publish teachers' names in certain circumstances – what his group rejects and what do not provide portals for other factions of the AFD. After only one day, the site was offline. Räpple spoke of a "hacker attack" and wanted to be online again shortly. Until now, it is not. Representatives of the Baden-Württemberg pirates claimed to have destroyed the portal through the mbadive flow of fake messages: they had created a separate reporting portal under the domain "mein-abgeordneter-hetzt.de" in response to the "e-mail". AfD action Users can select quotes from AfD policy makers, who will then be redirected to the AfD website. So, instead of complaining about the teachers, the factions will receive quotes from their own staff. "It was a great success," Pirate spokesman Philip Köngeter said on Monday. More than half a million visitors visited the Räpple site, more than 100,000 complaints were forwarded to the site, the portal was put offline and hackers are now forwarding complaints to Saxony and in Hamburg. Köngeter.

Fight for privacy

In the meantime, the pirates have expanded their campaign and launched the domain "meinlehrerwehrtsich.de". There, teachers can complete a pre-written privacy policy application and send it to the appropriate AFD pages. The AfD must then, within one month, provide information as to whether and what data has been retained by the teachers. Request data can not save the AfD.

"We are pleased to see that this unique Afra project in Berlin will be presented in an ironic, creative, innovative and technical way," tweeted Hildegard Bentele, an education policy man at the CDU. If the evening problems with the Berlin report form concerning the activities of pirates could not be clarified because of the late hour.

Even students and teachers have become active. As stated, the initiative "Bildet Berlin!" Collects signatures in the form of self-reports, which must be presented to the AfD. The pupils of the Steglitzer Fichtenberg Gymnasium hung a garment in the hall of their school with the following inscription: "We are not your informants, register your Petzplattform".

In Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Schleswig-Holstein, the factions of the AfD have decided to follow the example of Hamburg. The president of the Young Alternative Brandenburg, Dennis Hohloch, had described the action in the Tagesspiegel as "not effective".

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