+++ Bundestag in the live ticker +++: Conflict after the asylum: Merkel speaks in plenary – but the first word to AfD
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After the dispute with the EU is before the debate on the budget in the Bundestag: Today, the Chancellor speaks in plenary. This is followed by the budget debate of the Chancellery. It is traditionally used for the general debate on government policy. Follow the session in the live ticker
The most important thing in a nutshell: Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) speaks Wednesday in the debate on the Bundestag's budget. The four-hour debate on the Chancellery's budget has traditionally taken on the character of a general debate on government policy. As the largest opposition party to the AFD as a first party to the word, it speaks first fraction leader Alice Weidel. It is only then that Merkel speaks Given the fierce discussions within the grand coalition for asylum policy, this issue is likely to play a major role in the debate. Also on Wednesday, the individual budget of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Defense and Economic Cooperation and Development will be discussed.
Do not adjust better than bad? Lindner: "We could not have imagined that both could happen at the same time"
09.44: Since the autumn of 2015, we know the software manipulations of German diesel cars, Christian Lindner begins his speech The FDP faction leader wants to know the mobility guarantee for millions of people who depend on their diesel? It seems that some questions remain unanswered after Ms Merkel's speech: "So far, the government has not made progress in terms of energy production. "It's not just the global scene and not just the boundaries of society, but millions of people waiting for answers to their daily questions," says Lindner. The question of asylum covers everything since autumn 2015, complains without problem We said once: better not to govern badly. We could not imagine that both would happen at the same time, "says Lindner, referring to his own statement after the end of the negotiations in Jamaica.
Angela Merkel's speech in the Ticker
09.39: "We are now a little over 100 days as a government and have already made a lot of progress. Like every time in the Bundestag, Merkel mentions a government success: The AFD faction is bursting with laughter and demonstrations. the points that Groko has already expressed: low unemployment rate, higher minimum wage, eighth increase in pensions, reduction in cold progression, equal contributions, higher alimony and Baukindergeld. 9:35: Merkel is "very grateful" that defense budgets is increasing in the budget by 2021, she was committed Spend 1.5% of GDP, she said. But that's even less than the two percent required by the United States. Digitization is changing the way we work, Merkel begins the next point in her speech. Fast Internet is "the general interest for people in our country" and the precondition for being able to talk about equal living conditions in Germany at all. Artificial intelligence may be falling behind because there is no overall strategy from research to application in the economy. Earlier we would have invented the MP3 player, but not marketed, as the example of Merkel.
Merkel says that she wants to help Seehofer in the negotiations – but does not mention the argument of the week with him
09.28: Next, the Chancellor arrives at the issue of migration secondary issue now resolved by the Union. "We are all aware that the free movement of Schengen can be endangered if we do not work on this issue," Merkel said. They did not want to find uncoordinated unilateral measures to the detriment of third parties, but common measures, according to the Chancellor. That's why she spoke to Greece. Administrative arrangements similar to those of Athens will be concluded with other countries. "Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer will continue his discussions on this, and of course I will," said Merkel. Incidentally, the Chancellor does not mention that she and Seehofer fought bitterly on this topic for weeks. People should have the impression that law and order will be enforced, she says instead. The theme of integrating those who have the right to stay must continue to be the center of interest, which is also reflected in the budget, said Merkel.
09:24: "We have a lot to criticize about Turkey, but what Turkey is doing for Syrian civil war refugees deserves all the credit," Merkel says of payments agreed in Ankara . Merkel underscores the importance of the Marshall Plan for Africa, which is promoted by Development Minister Gerd Müller. A law on the immigration of skilled labor is also necessary to allow the legal migration of labor
09:20: Merkel begins with the point Europe, refers to the many wars and conflicts around the continent. Then she comes to talk about the migration. The interests in Europe are different, but at the European Council, they agreed that it was a task common to all. "In fact, it's trivial, actually obvious," says Ms. Merkel, but the treatment was crucial, whether Europe survives or not, so the agreement was so important, says Ms. Merkel. Unclear interceptions of the ranks of the AfD, Merkel can not bring it out. Instead, she highlights the successes in limiting immigration. External borders must now be better protected. "Germany will contribute here."
09.13 clock: Smile in the ranks, as Merkel wonderfully quietly enters the lectern after Weidel and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, we advise the budget today." It is the future of Germany and Europe as agents of the world in transition. Therefore, we need to discuss fundamental issues. Institutions and states can only shape their destiny with others, says Merkel. For this reason, the future of Germany is first closely related to Europe, on the other hand to the world order in the areas of the world. economy, trade, security and defense – and, thirdly, to digitization. Weidel calls for the resignation of Merkel
09:12: Merkel abuses his directive powers by "definitely overthrowing" the law and the constitution, says Weidel and praises Horst Seehofer, who wants again to enforce the applicable law. Now, however, the CSU with their compromise carry the "rule of injustice" along, Weidel accentuated. The Chancellor is not impressed and notes in her speech that she will hold at the same time. Horst Seehofer leans a little in the chair. Weidel completes his speech by asking Merkel to give up, please
09.08: The Grand Coalition wastes government revenues, "as it does not. There was no tomorrow, "says Weidel. The "million Asyleinwanderer", for which the money comes out, leaves the indignant leader of the faction of the AFD of course undigrated. She is also criticized by the energy revolution, as well as by a "war on the automobile" that she wants to detect in the development of electric vehicles. At the latest, when Weidel finally speaks of "Genderprofessor-Wichse", which is supported by research funds, many in the room look on with disbelief, he's just heard reason.
Weidel opens debate in the Bundestag – and after the first sentence without mercy laugh
09:03: "This debate has surrealistic characteristics," says AfD parliamentary leader Alice Weidel, their speech. Jolling and noisy laughs in the lobby right after the first set. Alice Weidel wanted to criticize the budget and the grand coalition, but it failed. The deputies thought it was rather surreal that Weidel and the AfD were there and opened the debate. "I can already imagine why they laugh," Weidel said.
09:01: Wolfgang Schäuble opens the meeting. First, Alice Weidel speaks
9h00: The session begins with the second reading of the draft budget 2018 for the Federal Chancellor and the Federal Chancellery. The section, consisting of twelve chapters in total, provides for a total expenditure of 2.92 billion euros this year. This represents 122.41 million euros more than in 2017. The stand as opposed to a turnover of 2.89 million euros in 2017. In the video: " The man must be employed ": the internal expert of the SPD Seehofer calls for action on
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