Burger King pimps the "out of office" mail


On July 6, it will be clear if Belgians can continue to enjoy their summer vacation that began on July 1. Then their football team enters the quarterfinals against Brazil. Many Belgians are watching their holidays because in July and August the offices are empty. And then the hour of automated emails from the absence of the office beats. Zigfach they ploppent in the mailbox of colleagues and customers still present to announce that the sender just in Spain, the sun on his stomach, while the recipient sweats in the office. This does not necessarily raise the mood.

Burger King Belgium with the agency Buzzman therefore considered a beautiful digital campaign. Thanks to Burger King, vacationers have been able to create automated "off-office" emails since July 3, allowing them to integrate their vacation plans. Because in the end, a little consolation signals to the recipient, who simply can not paddle on the lakes or dig into the sand. This guarantees a warm welcome when returning from holidays.

And here's how it works: Buzzman invented the "first automated Schlemmer-Mail" for Burger King. In order to create the "delicious" e-mail, you enter your holiday destination, the duration of the absence and a short description on whopperooo.burgerking.be. Automatically, a voucher is then created for a Whopper or Orea Shake, which you can then copy with the message in its "Out of Office" mail.

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