Burn fat with the cyclitic diet


Intermittent fasting, like the keto diet, is one of the biggest weight loss trends of the year. For those who can not cope or have failed with these rigorous nutritional plans, a new diet has been developed that combines the two concepts and, so to speak, represents the lighter version of them. We reveal why the so-called cyclitic diet burns fat and how the new weight loss strategy really works.

Go Cyclitarian! The context of the new diet

Whether it is intermittent fasting or the ketogenic diet – both dietary trends promise great success. As popular and effective as these two concepts may be, they are not suitable for everyone. While the keto diet may not be able to eat large amounts of healthy fats each day (the macronutrient must account for 60 percent of the daily intake), intermittent fasting is a huge challenge for these long exonerations. prescribed diet 16 hours Fast during the day, only in the remaining eight hours can be eaten. Whatever the rules, it does not work for your own body or lifestyle – a new diet based on both dietary trends, and some kind of slight modification of it, promises the same good slimming results, just by d & rsquo; Other means. The two main points remain: It is fasting for a while, thanks to a low carbohydrate diet, the body also enters ketosis – a state in which this fat burns instead of sugar for energy. This was developed by the doctor and author of New York dr. Vincent M. Pedre, who specializes in intestinal health and even talks about his new diet: "With the cyclic diet, I've combined the two strategies to optimize a digestive tract cure program, while losing of weight Helps to reduce the risk of illness and activates the reset button of all health. "

The 5 dietary rules of the cyclic diet

1. Continuity

The cyclitic diet aims at optimizing the preprogrammed daily rhythm of the intestinal flora. You have to think of it as a natural internal clock, after which the bacteria of the intestinal flora work. If this is supported by a healthy and digestive diet, it optimally enhances the intestine and therefore all that attaches to it. You lose weight faster, digestion works well and the immune system improves. The key to sustaining this daily rhythm of intestinal bacteria is, according to the cyclitatarian diet, a steady and steady diet. This means that you cling to certain foods and stay with them.

2. Vegetarian and Vegetarian Diet

The cyclic diet is inspired by the ketogenic diet, which means that healthy proteins and fats are first and foremost in the plate; Carbohydrates should only be consumed in small amounts. Only by doing without carbohydrates, the body can switch to important ketosis that puts fat burning at full speed. Unfortunately, the cyclic diet is unfortunately not for meat lovers because you should eat purely vegetable. According to the Dr. First, Pedre fiber foods are ideal because they last a long time and stimulate digestion. These include sweet potatoes, raspberries, blackberries, avocados or broccoli. There are also foods that promote intestinal health. Optimal is fermented as sauerkraut, kombucha or kimchi, which overflows probiotics; as well as nuts, chia or linseed, which have anti-inflammatory properties and calm the intestines.

. 3 Fat does not come first

According to the popular keto diet, fat must account for 60 percent of the daily diet. The cyclical regime dispenses with this rule. Although vegetable, healthy, nut-based, avocado or oil-based fats should be routinely incorporated into the diet, they should not be the majority of the macronutrients taken.

Carbohydrates in Small Doses

According to various scientific studies on ketosis, you do not have to go completely without carbs to go into fat burner mode. Thus, with a limit of 50 grams of carbohydrates a day, it is still possible to switch from the body to ketosis. Although donuts, pizzas and spaghetti are still taboo (after all, you should lose weight), lentils, oatmeal or beans are perfect.

5. Flexible fasting

Fasting is the second most important part of the cyclic diet, with the ketogenic diet, but it does not dictate how long you have to give up your daily food intake. Depending on your lifestyle and your fasting experience, you can start with a window of 8, 10 or 12 hours, and then increase slowly until 14 to 16 hours. In this phase, then completely abstained from solid food – it is best to drink water and unsweetened tea. Our advice: It is best to plan the window fasting during the night. Whoever sleeps from 10 pm to 7 am has already pbaded nine hours and has only to wait until the morning. Between breaks, which give the intestines the optimal stopping time, then the food of the points mentioned above is consumed. And: We must not be too strict with the cyclical regime. The fasting plan is flexible and needs to be adapted to personal life: On weekends or on special occasions, you can, for example, take a break from fasting.

Why the Cyclic Diet Works

The cyclical diet scores with a well-balanced, broad and flexible nutritional concept that does not involve radical rules. Therefore, this diet may last longer because cravings, bad mood and the risk of a lack of nutrients remain through the multi-faceted diet. The concept also uses two of the most effective methods to speed up metabolism and fat burning: ketosis and fasting for several hours. In the state of ketosis, as already mentioned, the fat reserves are exploited for energy production, bacon on the hips, stomach and legs disappears more and more. Fasting, in turn, is the perfect metabolic stimulation and allows the body, and especially the intestines, to pause and devote to regeneration. The many probiotic and intestinal foods offered by the cyclitic diet also support intestinal flora, which not only affects healthy digestion and a lean body, but is also a mirror of our overall health. If the intestine is strong and healthy, it is our immune system, our skin or our energy.

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