BVB Director Zorc announces a conversation with Kagawa


Quote from Floma

I remember a time when Kagawa and, for example, the Commissioner for Integration, Großkreutz, were the mainstays of the BVB game. The time is up, of course, but I wonder how all the players would have grown if Sahin had not gone to Real / Liverpool, Gotze to Bayern and Kagawa to United.

It would have been really interesting to see that.

But these are somehow the reasons why I'm not too sad for their fate now. Of course, all three are more or less icons of the master's years, Sahin was already after the first good year. Nevertheless, his career has clearly taken a turn after BVB. Surely as brave as they have tried, they certainly do not regret it in retrospect, but they will wonder how their career would have gone as in the case above. Because one thing should be clear, the three were at the highest level at the end of the BVB phase. After that, they never came back.

For Kagawa, the situation is difficult, but the result should be perfectly clear: a winter change. I expect almost with a loan + KO of the winter and a change in Spain or even in England. He is a pure 10, who can still be a gold worthy of a matching system. At BVB, this position is no longer in shape, Reus plays it rather than HS. Why Kagawa behind, but apparently, it does not matter, I do not understand directly, but with Favre, the decision will have its reasons.

It is the same as for Sahin: both parties are probably interested in cutting the old braids. Kagawa can still play for 3-4 good years and he certainly finds EL / CL level clubs. It should be more important for him, however, to play constantly.

It would be nice to see if he puts his foot back in the BuLi with a good team.

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