Caitlyn Jenner lost hope in Donald Trump


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Caitlyn Jenner Caitlyn Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner chose Donald Trump. Photo: Nancy Kaszerman / ZUMA

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

The head of the Kardashian-Jenner clan has long been one of the most prominent supporters of US President Trump. But now, former Olympic champion Caitlyn Jenner, now living as a woman, is disappointed: Trump has abandoned the LGBTQ community.

WASHINGTON (AP) – From fiery support to public disappointment: reality star Caitlyn Jenner has withdrawn support for US President Donald Trump. She no longer believes that US President Donald Trump defends the interests of bads, gay men and transbaduals.

It was a mistake to badume that Trump would protect the LGBTQ community from bad, gay, bibadual and transgender people, Jenner wrote in a commentary published Thursday in the Washington Post (local time).

"Unfortunately, I was wrong – the reality is that this president is relentlessly attacking the Transcommunity," wrote the 68-year-old, who has long been one of the country's most senior lawyers. in view of the president. Transgender refers to people who – or not only – identify with the registered gender at birth. "He (Trump) ignored our humanity and insulted our dignity."

Previously, Jenner had simply admitted that Trump had "made mistakes" regarding the rights of LGBT people. She did not regret having chosen. Trump's decision to resume a transgender of his predecessor's era, Barack Obama, called Jenner a "disaster" last year. Obama's policy exempted transgender people from the use of restrooms and locker rooms in schools and universities.

Shortly after the new decision, Jenner apologized for wearing a red baseball cap bearing the "Make America Great Again" inscription of US President Donald Trump. On the way to the golf course, she grabbed the cap and put it on without reading the inscription. "I apologize to all members of the trans community, I made a mistake, I will never do it again and I will throw the cap."

Jenner was born in 1976 as Olympic champion Bruce in the decathlon. She has been living since 2015 as a woman and has been calling since Caitlyn. Jenner is married three times, most recently with Kris Jenner – the mother of the Kardashian clan, among others through numerous reality shows. Jenner has six children, including Kendall and Kylie, with Kris Jenner. The Kardashian-Jenner clan is divided in terms of Trump: although, for example, Kim Kardashian has already criticized many of her decisions, her husband, rapper Kanye West, openly supports the US president.

In terms of content, Jenner's critics were based on a New York Times report, according to which the Trump government intended to define the gender of an exclusively biological human being. The report refers to a disclosed proposal.

Comment Washington Post, English

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