Cambridge Analytica: Britain demands 500,000 pounds of Facebook for data scandal – Digital


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This could be costly to Facebook: Due to the recent data scandal, the UK wants to prove the US company with a fine of about 500,000 pounds.

Great Britain wants Facebook because of the scandal. by the Cambridge data badysis company with a fine of 500,000 pounds (565,000 euros) prove. The online network had not protected users' data and thus violated the law, said the UK's ICO data protection agency on Wednesday night.

In addition, there was no transparency as to how the data had been disclosed to third parties, the Authority said. Facebook still has the opportunity to respond to the criminal report, he said. Its real purpose is "to achieve change and restore confidence in our democratic system," said Elizabeth Denham, director of ICO

. Facebook is in a serious crisis because of the data scandal. Data from about 87 million users of the online network had landed at Cambridge Analytica and were used illegally for the election campaign of US President Donald Trump. Facebook is therefore faced with a large number of investigations conducted by the supervisory authorities and investigation. (afp)

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