Can Aspirin Protect Against Alzheimer's Disease?


How Aspirin Strengthens Waste Management in the Brain

US researchers recently published a study that found a link between aspirin and a reduced risk of disease. Alzheimer. In addition, the popular painkiller should ensure that the process of the disease slows significantly in patients. According to scientists, a low dose of aspirin can reduce harmful plaques in the brain. These plaques are considered to contribute to Alzheimer's disease.

The US Rush University Medical Center study team discovered that aspirin can reduce plaque accumulation in the brain, protect memory and reduce risk, contract the Alzheimer's disease. The results were recently published in the journal "Journal of Neuroscience."

A new study shows that aspirin can help eliminate harmful accumulation in the brain, at least in mice. (Photo: freshidea /

Aspirin – one of the most used drugs

"The results of our study identify a potential new role for one of the drugs the most used and most commonly marketed in the world, "says Kalipada Pahan, first author of the study and leading researcher, in a press release on the results of the study.

Alzheimer's is a growing problem in America too

Alzheimer's disease is a deadly form of dementia. According to experts, one in ten Americans over the age of 65 is affected by this disease. The growing number of diseases is facing fewer treatment options and effective drugs. All current therapies can provide only limited relief of symptoms.

Causes still unknown

The exact causes of Alzheimer's disease are still considered insufficiently understood. One of the most promising strategies for slowing down Alzheimer's disease is the best disposal of brain waste, so-called amyloid plaques.

How do amyloid plaques damage the brain?

Amyloid-beta protein forms lumps Deposits in the brain and damage the connections between nerve cells. The poor elimination of the amyloid beta toxic protein in the brain is currently considered an important mechanism in the development of dementia and memory loss. These proteins then form the plates, the clogging deposits.

Aspirin Aids Removal of Plaques

Based on previous studies on this topic, Pahan and his colleagues from animal experiments in mice have shown that it is not possible to remove plaque. Aspirin reduces the number of amyloids. Decrease of the plaques in the brain. "Understanding how plaques are eradicated is important for the development of effective drugs that stop the progression of Alzheimer's disease," reports Pahan.

Alzheimer's mice

Genetically modified mice were needed to produce increased levels of amyloid plaque. The researchers administered aspirin to the mice for a month, then examined the amount of plaque in the brain parts most affected by Alzheimer's disease.

Aspirin enhances cleansing proteins of the body

found that aspirin drugs boosted the TFEB protein. This protein is considered the main regulator of waste disposal in the brain and its improvement has resulted in a reduction of amyloid plaques in the brains of mice. "This study adds another potential benefit to established aspirin applications for the relief of pain and the treatment of heart disease," Pahan concludes.

More research is needed

The study director stresses the importance of continuing research in this area. The results of our study have a great potential impact on the therapeutic use of aspirin in Alzheimer's and other dementias, "said the expert. (Vb)

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