Cancer patient testified in US lawsuit against Monsanto | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


St. Louis (APA / AFP) – In the US case of a cancer patient against pesticide manufacturer Monsanto, the plaintiff himself made his statement on Monday. Her life has completely changed after being diagnosed in 2014, said Dewayne Johnson in San Francisco court. The 46-year-old man suffers from terminal lymphoma and blames Roundup for the disease.

Johnson's wife also went to court on Monday. Before the diagnosis, the family had no worries. When she learned about the disease, her world had "collapsed." Since her husband is disabled because of her illness, she now has two jobs and works 14 hours a day, the woman said. In an emotional statement, she reported on her husband's impotence and chemotherapy. Previously, a Johnson doctor had been consulted.

As the janitor of several schools, Johnson had applied Roundup herbicide in large quantities. According to his lawyer, he was not warned of the dangers of chemical glyphosate.

Thousands of cancer patients in the United States blame the pesticide manufacturer Monsanto for their suffering. A San Francisco federal judge has allowed more than 400 other lawsuits for the possible carcinogenic effects of the herbicide. Monsanto, who recently joined the Bayer group, denies having a carcinogenic effect on his product.

~ WEB ~ APA010 2018-07-24 / 02: 11

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