Candidate AfD: Harder-Kühnel moves to Vice-President of the Bundestag


The AFD candidate for the post of Vice-President of the Bundestag missed the election by the required majority. In December, another vote will take place.

Mariana Harder-Kühnel did not obtain the required majority in the election to the post of Vice-President of the Bundestag. This means that even a year after the election in the Bundestag, there is still no representative of Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble in the ranks of the AfD.

Harder-Kühnel obtained in the first ballot in the Bundestag only 223 of the 654 votes cast and 387 deputies who voted against. Earlier, the SPD had announced its vote against the closure of Harder-Kühnel – the CSU had made public the vote of its deputies.

The meeting was interrupted after the announcement of the result, the faction of the AfD has withdrawn to deliberate.

Harder-Kühnel offers interviews to other parties

"It was not enough in the first round of voting, but we still have at least two rounds of voting in front of us," she said. "I think I will eventually be elected too." She offered direct interviews with other parties to dispel doubts.

AfD leader Alexander Gauland has announced that a second round of voting is expected to take place in December, even a third in January.

The original candidate Glaser failed

AfD's initial candidate, Albrecht Glaser, failed successively on three rounds of voting. Many MPs have been offended by his anti-Islamic stance. Bundestag President Schäuble then invited the party to introduce another candidate.

Harder-Kühnel had joined the Bundestag at the top of the list of states of Hesse. She is one of the secretaries of the Bundestag and a member of the family committee. She is also an alternate member of the Home Affairs Committee.

Against his person, there was no "advance" no objection, "said the lawyer.

The Tagesschau reports on this subject on November 29, 2018 at 20:00.

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