Cape Arkona: A mysterious ball on Rügen: the secret is revealed


Suddenly, there is this huge bump. Right on the beach of Cape Arkona in Rügen. Nobody knows first what it is. Scientists, police, citizens, everyone is lost. The excitement is great (read more here). The craziest conspiracy theories relax quickly in the net. Have extraterrestrials come to earth? Are we dealing with huge grouped eggs?

Click here to see the many suggestions from our readers on Facebook about what could be the mysterious mbad found on a beach in Rügen.

Far from there. Ostsee-Zeitung learned Tuesday what was happening with the mbad of complaints. The discovery of the enigmatic beach is part of a damaged buoy used by the pipelaying vessel 'Audacia & # 39; ", said OZ Steffen Ebert, spokesman for Nord Stream 2." These types of buoys mark the location of the ten anchors that the pipeline laying vessel uses to position itself when laying of driving. "

Here is the entire story of the revealed mystery of Rügen.

From RND

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