Capital Bra can only lose in beef against Fler


Capital Bra can only lose in beef against Fler

Capital Bra just has to learn that the experience does not come from nowhere. The 5x Gold Rapper currently carries
an ox with his colleague Fler. Unfortunately, he can not win.

We explain the short version of the beef:

Fler said in an interview with Backspin magazine,
Due to its success, Capital Bra should have joined Bushido. It is exactly the opposite that occurs: Bushido signed with Bra.

The capital is loyal to Bushido and has felt attacked. So he offered sarcastically
To qualify Fler. The argument was in progress.

On Instagram, the two explained shortly afterwards that their differences had been clarified:

Apparently, this was not the case. A week ago
Fler released the song "present" with the line "Das B
on your neck, yes, that represents V-man. "A clear allusion to
Bushido and an interview that gave this to the star. Bushido had discovered the machinations of the Abu Chaker clan. He was part of this family for years before his breakup this year.

Subsequently, Capital Bra released Disk Disbarck against Fler "Ach Patrick Ach" on his second Youtube channel "Joker Bra".

Fler even posted an excerpt of his new song and expressed
Is disappointed by the description of Capital.

Then there was a video of Capital, in which he fler
attacks: he would make fun of Bushido, although the two something different
had accepted.

And it continued. Capital posted a tweet from June. In this one, the LIDL supermarket chain Fler played a trick, after complaining about LIDL.

Fler replied in a Insta story:

"Look, Bushido should take care of Capi, you know, all the nonsense of the past few days is based on excessive drug consumption, I hope he's doing his life well and does not waste not his career, and finds it very careless everyone !!! to encourage such a sick person in his behavior.

If the head of the label wants "beef", he should come directly … But do not believe that he really wants it. We continue as usual. Male ".


Normally, oxen can be very entertaining. Rap listeners
love to be Zaungast when two of the biggest German rappers get excited. But here it is different.

One wonders: why do you need this?
Capital? Are not you the rapper with the biggest hype in Germany? Have not you produced countless number one hits as a result? Do not all teenagers wearing Nike jogging pants want to be like you? Do not you have 2.2 million Instagram followers and only 274,000 Fler?

Of course, Fler is smart, yes, but that's his business model. He finally knows that the attention – the energy – must stay with him.

Why is the capital fighting for Bushido?

Strangely, Capital seems to feel obliged to replace its label leader, Bushido.

The kids love Capital for its madness and madness, and for being a really nice guy "and not wanting anything bad," he says constantly. But capital also has a short rocket. So, after a critical history of the NOIZ portal, he sent his Instagram army to the site. Only to be reconciled a little later with advertising.

Many of his fans accuse him of being a holder of Bushido's stirrups.

A look at the reviews under the Disstrack ranges:

Capital does not need to strengthen Fler, after all, he has a lot more success musically. Especially because this kind of dispute at Fler clearly has a system.

It has been disputed with people for years and is usually reinforced. He is now giving the big beef veteran who spreads small verbal bells in the dark, while Rottweiler Capital, angry, does not know where to bite.

As a rapper, Fler is also ten years older than Capital and knows where his strengths lie. This self-badessment does not have any capital yet.

He should continue to think about what he can do: one after the other, one after the other. Because he's so far ahead of Fler.

For so long, Disney villains should go to jail:

The Bundeswehr realizes in its new documentary "Call of Duty"

Video: watson / Max Biederbeck, Lia Haubner, Marius Notter

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