Captain "Lifeline": Refugees are lured to the Mediterranean by lies abroad


Claus-Peter Reisch, captain of the lifeboat "Lifeline", has been helping refugees in the Mediterranean for a year and a half. In an interview on BR television, he now emphasizes that we know too little about life-threatening refugee crossings.

According to Reisch, refugees often do not travel voluntarily to the Mediterranean. "If the refugees do not go to the beach, they are just a few to shoot, so the rest have already come in." These are stories that he has not heard once.

Many refugees do not know what they are getting into. had never seen sea before and could not swim, says Reisch on TV BR. "They are told there, where you can see these lights are the gas rockets of the oil rigs, about 30, 40 miles offshore, and behind that is the same Europe. It's just not true. "Many would simply take a route north – with devastating consequences, says Reisch.

Reisch is on trial in Malta

The captain is currently on trial in Malta. He is accused of having checked the ship without proper registration in Maltese waters. The "Lifeline" of the humanitarian organization Mission Lifeline, based in Dresden, had already wandered around the seas for nearly a week after rescuing some 230 migrants from Libya.

On video: NRW authorities send letters: refugees should pay up to 60,000 euros

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