Carl Zeiss Meditec: Course break – but in which direction? ()


Carl Zeiss Meditec published a price of EUR 67.08 on the Xetra Stock Exchange on 28.07.2018, 22:02. The company is listed under "health equipment".

How Carl Zeiss Meditec is currently evaluating the results of a multi-step badysis. We have selected 8 categories, each leading to the "buy", "keep" or "sell" result. These results are finally consolidated in the overall result.

1. Technical Analysis: For the Carl Zeiss Meditec Stock, an average of EUR 54.25 for the closing price is calculated over the last 200 trading days. The closing price of the last trading day was 67.2 € (+ 23.87% difference) and we therefore give a note "purchase" from a technical point of view. In addition to the average of 200 days, the average of 50 days is often badyzed as part of the mapping technique. For this (61.94 EUR), the last closing price is also higher than the moving average (+ 8.49% gap). The Carl Zeiss Meditec stock will thus be given a "buy" rating on this short-term basis. Carl Zeiss Meditec will receive a "buy" rating for the simple table technique.

2. Relative Strength Index: The Relative Strength Index (RSI) connects the up and down movements of an underlying over time, and is therefore a good indicator of overbought or under-bought stocks . The RSI of the last 7 days for Carl Zeiss Meditec action has a value of 18.61. On this basis, the action is oversold and receives a "buy" rating. We now compare the 7-day RSI with the RSI value on a 25-day basis (23.26). Carl Zeiss Meditec is also oversold on a 25-day basis (value: 23.26). That's why the stock also gets a "buy" rating for the RSI25. All in all, a "buy" rating for Carl Zeiss Meditec results from the RSI badessment.

3. Sectoral comparison Stock price: The stock achieved a return of 50.38% last year. Compared to shares in the same sector ("Health Care"), Carl Zeiss Meditec is thus 30.67% higher than the average (19.71%). The median annual return on securities of the same industry "Medical Equipment & Devices" is 13.43%. Carl Zeiss Meditec is currently 36.95% above this value. Due to the outperformance, we evaluate the overall share at this level with a "buy".

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