Cave Rescue in Thailand: the rescue action for the football team began


Rescue of caves in Thailand: Rescuers start to get boys out of the cave

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Several teenagers aged 11 to 16 and their trainer have been sitting since June 23. in a cave in Thailand. Waters had cut their return trip. On Monday, divers discovered them three kilometers from the entrance to the cave. Follow all the news in the News ticker.

Key Points in Brief: The 12 boys of a football team and their trainer must be rescued Sunday in Tham Luang cave, in northern Thailand. The weather and the water level are good and the boys and the divers are ready. The plan: Around 4 pm (CET), the first child could leave the cave – but the action could take several days. At the weather channel, you can watch the weather grow.

Thai government publishes details on Rescue

11:17: As reported by the BBC reporter on the spot, the Thai government has released details on the rescue: divers and rescuers wear their faces containing diving masks. Two divers take a boy between them and guide them – led by a rope – out of the cave. If the path becomes too narrow, the oxygen tank is attached from behind and rolled slowly through the space next to the boy.

Tech Entrepreneur Elon Musk Wishes good luck to Thai rescuers

10:21 am: The TV footage shows that it is starting to rain on the ground. It is still unclear what effect this had on the rescue operation

09.56: The entrepreneur Elon Musk wished the cavemen rescuers much success in Thailand for their risky rescue operation . After learning that the divers were to bring back the boys trapped Sunday from the cave, Musk tweeted, he wishes the best to the extremely competent diving team. The rescue could last from two to three days

09.10: Now, there was an official statement that the rescue would take two to three days. The AFP news agency reported, citing the on-site crisis team and confirmed with appropriate badumptions. The duration of the risky mission depends, among other things, on the weather.

8:52 am: 18 divers make their way to the boys to drive them out of the cave. Professional divers needed five to six hours in the last few days to cover the distance between the group and the exit. So the hello is to run in detail.

08:11: The health of the boys prepared the rescuers in advance: are they strong enough after the days of deprivation to take the difficult pbadage to freedom? According to regular press reports, an Australian doctor has now given the go-ahead for the action

07.09: The rescue team consists of 13 foreign divers and five Thai , reports "". In an interview with NTV television, Dr. Christoph Specht says panic among boys could be a big problem. Because then, increase the oxygen demand. In addition, problems of orientation could jeopardize the operation. One advantage, says the doctor, is that boys are not even aware of the dangers.

The rescue operation of the boys started in the cave in Thailand

5:44 am: The rescue operation of the twelve in a cave in Thailand boy trapped and his football coach started. "Today is the day X," said the head of the rescue team, Narongsak Osottanakorn. "I can confirm that we are ready to act today," said the governor of the province. "The weather is good, the water level is good, the divers are ready, the boys are physically, mentally and mentally ready to go out."

The operation is designed to accompany every boy with two divers. The boys must be out little by little. Experts expect the deployment, which began at 10:00 am local time (5:00 am CEST), ends Sunday evening at 9:00 pm (4:00 pm CEST).

Reporter "Bangkok Post": The first four guys to go out today

05.09: A reporter from the "Bangkok Post" says rescuers want to "take out the first four guys" today. ; hui. The reporter is considered the first source for news of the diver who died a few days ago. However, an official confirmation is still pending.

Clearing of land in front of the Thai cave arranged for "Help for Victims"

Sunday, July 8, 15:51: Thai authorities ordered the evacuation of the site near the entrance to the cave, in the twelve boys of a football team and their coach stuck. The site is needed for the rescue operation, police said Sunday. Journalists gathered in front of the cave must leave the area.

"Anyone who is not involved in the operation must immediately leave the area," said the police in a loudspeaker announcement. "From the badessment of the situation, we need the area to help the victims," ​​he said. The chief of the rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, had previously stated that the conditions for a rescue attempt were "now and in terms of the water level, weather and health of the boys" . perfect for the next three or four days. "It must be made a clear decision" what we can do. "On Saturday night, there was still heavy rains, which clarified the urgency of the rescue. [19659024] [ad_2]
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