Cebit-out reactions: chance of reinvention or fatal signal?


After more than 30 years of history of Cebit (formerly also "CeBIT"): the largest computer show in the world is organized. Declining bookings for 2019 increased pressure on Deutsche Messe AG. In recent years, the German economy has repeatedly complained of thematic overlap between the Cebit and the much larger Hannover Fair, said CEO Jochen Köckler. In addition, digitization is the megatrend of most industries – and therefore most trade shows. A show like Cebit responds to a falling demand.

"This is a bitter loss for the economy of Lower Saxony," said Volker Müller, head of state employers badociations (UVN), and stressed: "This is a bitter loss for the economy of Lower Saxony. The fact that such a subject is buried is also a fatal sign for the geographical location of Germany But with the Cebit, the Hannover Fairgrounds loses one of its most important pillars: IHK Niedersachsen (IHKN) agrees that the show has shaped the image of the economic site worldwide, said IHKN Chairman Helmut Streiff asked: "We must not lose this skill. "

Last summer, the organizers tried in vain to reposition Cebit as "the first digital event in Europe". However, the Cebit only attracted 120,000 people to the exhibition site in a new form – still significantly less than in 2017 with 200,000 visitors Bär, state minister at scanning (CSU), does not see the error in this new concept: "This is not the Cebit, but the chance to reinvent itself. The digital revolution is essentially social, in all areas of life. Festivals are the new salons. According to Bär, Hanover can now open a new chapter as a fairground.

"Whatever the positive response of the new concept, it must of course also count on the organizer," said Bitkom President Achim Berg, adding that the landscape of the market and trade shows has changed significantly in recent decades. For the trade fair site, Hannover, and therefore for the entire Lower Saxony headquarters, "said Volker Schmidt, Managing Director of Niedersachsenmetall, stressing:" Cebit has been a true figurehead for three decades and contributes significantly significant to the reputation of the German industry of information and communication. ".

The Prime Minister of Lower Saxony, Stephan Weil, considers the Cebit as a victim of his own success. "The digital transformation is now taking place everywhere, including all the other fairs," said the SPD politician. "An important chapter of the Hannover Trade Fairs is coming to an end, and it's a pity." The view also shares the Niedersachsen Economy Minister: Bernd Althusmann: "The further decline in demand at the new CeBIT is all the more regrettable, but it also shows that the idea of ​​the Cebit has arrived in the overall economy. "

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A view of the exhibition grounds. Rooms 14 to 16 are still used, but not behind them.
(Image: jo / heise online)

(With dpa material) /


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