CEO of FCA and Ferrari: Marchionne apparently poses his role


Sergio Marchionne, CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) and Ferrari, will not return to his office after his shoulder surgery.

The media reported on Saturday, including "Bloomberg", and Reuters

The Automotive News Europe industry portal also reported, referring to people close to the record, that FCA and Ferrari had Executive Committee meetings Saturday to discuss Marchionne's successor.

FCA and Ferrari did not want to comment on the reports on request from various sources. Marchionne was promoted to the head of Fiat in mid-2004.

Possible Successors

The fact that Marchionne would cease in the foreseeable future was already established. His departure was scheduled for April 2019. The news of his immediate withdrawal is all the more surprising.

The 66-year-old man suffers from complications after the shoulder operation, report insiders

As a successor to the FCA, Chief Financial Officer Richard Palmer The boss of Europe, Alfredo Altavilla, and the boss of the Jeep, Mike Manley, acted.

At Ferrari, the name of the council member, Louis Carey Camilleri, circulates. Previously, it was said Marchionne wants to stay until in 2021 CEO and President of Ferrari. (sea)

See also:

When Marchionne Retires: The CFA Chief's Shipyard

Farewell Conversion: What Marchionne's Successor Should Have S & # Attacking

-FCA boss the next five years

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