Champions League: Schalke loses Porto group victory – football


This trip has not brought much now. Schalke loses 1: 3 to Porto, misses the group win – but sets the round of the last sixteen.

The best news came 14 minutes before the kickoff. Schalke is in the knockout stages of the Champions League – for the first time in four years – as Lok Moscow won 2-0 against Galatasaray Istanbul just 3,700 kilometers away.

For this, not even the Schützenhilfe the ex-Schalke Benedikt Höwedes (30 years old) was necessary. The world champion sits for the Russians 90 minutes on the bench.

For the sixth time in a row, Konigsblau survives his group in the Champions League. This also represents 9.5 million euros of Uefa premium at the box office. But more was not possible that night.

After the league match 5: 2 against Nuremberg, Schalke takes a step back on the pitch. Defender Militão at the head (52.), Jesus Corona after a nice combination (55.) and Marega (90. + 4) collapsed.

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Photo: Ina Fbadbender / dpa

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Schalke supporter and professional Steven Skrzybski was in demand after his championship double this time on the defensive here against Felipe de PortoPhoto: Ina Fbadbender / dpa

Schalke is pbadive and does not score in the first half. Emergency striker Franco Di Santo (eleven years since the beginning of October) can not absorb the losses of the wounded Uth, Teuchert, Embolo and Burgstaller.

Bitter: Even Steven Skrzybski is broken now, hurt after his double against the FCN at the shoulder. In the first period, he comes after a duel with Militão unhappy (34.). Until his retirement, Schalke's fan and professional lost the twelve tackles …

Around 5,000 spectators from Schalke who traveled saw Porto win a noble victory (60's). Bentaleb transforms a late hand penalty (89.).

The referee Ovidiu Hategan had no problem with the match. The Romanian became known as he whistled last week's international match against Germany Holland (2: 2), although he learned at the half time of the death of his mother.

Daniel Caligiuri to "Dazn": "We were too pbadive, we left Porto too many pieces and badly defended." Naldo: "In the second half, we have two mistakes and in the Champions League, it will be punished."

There are whistles from the fans after the match. With bankruptcy, Schalke is in any case second group. In the last sixteen years, a piece of Juventus or Barcelona will probably be waiting.

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