Charging electric cars is expensive and complicated


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Charging electric cars in public charging stations is complicated and expensive. This is the result of a check by the green electricity supplier Lichtblick, who examined eleven charging station operators. The tariff structures are confusing, there are different entry conditions as well as various accounting methods, by which the daily life of customers is complicated, is a conclusion of the investigation.

  Lichtblick, Statista

(Image: Lichtblick, Statista)
Seven of the eleven operators of charging stations studied are therefore, in some cases, significantly higher than the average price of domestic electricity (29.4 cents): the kilowatt hour costs 54.5 cents to EnBW and 46.7 cents to Stadtwerke München. and Allego in Berlin 44.3 cents. The electricity network Hamburg / Hamburg energy tariff (29.5 cents) is comparable to the price of household electricity, at low price is the store in Mainova with 13.3 cents. It remains free at Stadtwerke Leipzig and RheinEnergie

Each supplier has its own tariff system. Innogy charges a flat fee of 7.95 euros per charge for the combined AC / DC charging stations and 39 cents per kilowatt hour for the AC charging stations. EnBW calculates the base time, 6 euros for one hour charge of a BMW i3. Electricity network Hamburg / Hamburg Energy charges only per kilowatt hour. The conditions of access are also different: at one point of charge, the user must register by SMS, to another only by app, credit card or with prior registration on the website.

  Lichtblick, Statista

(Photo: Lichtblick, Statista)

Lichtblick criticizes the formation of regional monopolies. For example, EWE operates around 90% of the approximately 500 public charging stations in the Weser-Elbe region. In Munich, where Stadtwerke München is a major supplier and grid operator, nearly 90% of the 188 public charging points would be operated by the utilities themselves. Local grid operators and primary suppliers have used their supremacy in the electricity market to establish another monopoly on the charging network and undermine competition in the electricity market, according to Lichtblick [19659010] i3 (consumption: 15 kWh / 100 km) on an AC-3 connection (11 kW) to the public charging stations. The loading time is 1:36 hours. He has Lichtblick according to his own data only the rates without contract considered. The green electricity supplier requires for the home store 28 cents per kW / h with a monthly fee of 8.95 euros. With its own service "Lichtblick-Fahrstrom", the company claims to have access to 15 000 public charging stations in Europe.

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BMW Concept iX3. The Battery Service (for Sports Activity Vehicle) is expected to enter the market in 2020.
(Image: BMW)


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