Children after birth significantly healthier


pte20181102017 Medicine / Well-being, Research / Technology

Children after birth significantly healthier

Scientists warn: important microorganisms disappear at the hospital

Newborn soon after birth (Photo: Christian v.R.,

Newborn soon after birth (Photo: Christian v.R.,

Pittsburgh (pte017 / 02.11.2018 / 12: 30) – The variety of bacteria in the gut of home-born babies is considerably greater than that of children born in hospitals. This affects the construction of an immune defense and the functioning of the metabolism, as determined by researchers at Rutgers University

Prevent chronic diseases

A wide variety of microorganisms is important for the development of children's health. They can prevent chronic diseases such as obesity, asthma, diabetes and intestinal inflammation. Microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses are pbaded from mother to baby. "The reasons for differences in the colonization of microorganisms in the intestine and in the excretions of babies born at home and in hospitals are unknown," says Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello.

The researcher suggests that newborns are bathed early in hospitals and that their eyes are treated with caution with the help of antibiotics to prevent the risk of germs in hospitals. Dominguez-Bello and his team evaluated the data of 35 babies and their mothers one month after birth. 14 of them were born at home, four in the water and 21 in the hospital. All the babies saw the light of day in a normal way. The mothers had not been treated with antibiotics either. All babies were badfed as soon as possible. Births were attended by midwives.

Inflammatory genes at the hospital

In stool samples of babies born in the hospital, researchers were able to detect increased expression of inflammatory genes in an epithelial cell model. Epithelial cells cover all internal and external surfaces of the body, such as the skin. They have protective functions. Dominguez-Bello thinks it's wise to set up childbirth rooms similar to the home environment, with the exception of high-risk births.



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