China seeks investment partners in Central and Eastern Europe


He said, among other things, that China wants an open and prosperous EU, it is also in the interest of China. The seventh annual 16 + 1 meeting will discuss the cooperation of Central and Eastern European countries with China in key areas such as infrastructure, technology, agriculture and tourism. At the same time, there are also 1,000 entrepreneurs from the participating states in Sofia

"This format aims to strengthen, not divide, Europe," said the host country's head, Bulgarian Boiko Borisov. He referred to the constant criticism that, since 2012, the existing discussion format is harming the EU unit. China's cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe worries Brussels. "Divide and rule" is the strategy to undermine European unity, complain European diplomats

Meeting with Angela Merkel

In Bulgaria EU member, China is on the restart of the Belene nuclear power station project on the Danube and on construction Interested in highways and railway lines.

The Bulgarians hosted the meeting and invited German Chancellor Angela Merkel as a "special guest", but the leader of the CDU did not come. Instead, she meets Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Berlin during the German-Chinese Intergovernmental Consultations on Monday

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