Circus Krone continues its performances


Osnabrück. Cirque Krone always wants to stick to elephant performances in its program. Wednesday, there was a misfortune at the premiere in Osnabrück with three elephant cows, in which an animal crashed into the spectator area.

"We will shoot the consequences of the incident," confirmed animal instructor Martin Lacey on Thursday morning. Although the five elephants will continue to be part of the program, the combination of the first performance will not exist at the moment, Lacey said in an interview with our editors. "We can vary our program so that other animals gather in the ring."

Basic considerations on the use of pachyderms in circus operation, there is currently none. "There has never been an incident in the history of Circus Krone that has hurt the spectators," says Lacey. This is also why this part of the show is not in question.

Animal goes well

The elephant cow Mala is doing well after the misfortune of the first performance. The animal was examined on Wednesday and Thursday morning by the local veterinarian, who was unable to detect fractures or other serious injuries. Only a grave on the left half of the body left Thursday morning to draw conclusions on the misfortune of the previous day. A caregiver had also rubbed the right front leg with thyme oil to relieve the pain and relax the muscles.

The public is not the goal of plucking

Lacey insists that the public has not been the target of jostling between animals. What caused the behavior, which ultimately led to the Mala elephant cow was pushed into the box area, however, is not clear. "Maybe there are changes in the animal hierarchy right now," Lacey suggested. The behavior of animals may also be related to the warm summer weather that prevailed on Wednesday. In any case, no animal behavior problem was perceptible before the performance. Until animal instructors understand why elephants in the ring were acting like that, Mala stays in her pen and is not used in shows, says Lacey.

External experts such as Frank Franz aka Sonni Frankello, vice president of the Professional Association of Teachers and Operators of an Elephant Farm in Platschow (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) exclude, according to the images of the accident a free attack as a cause. On the contrary, it seems to have been relatively harmless, although, in the narrowness of the maneuver, Rempler acted with "very intelligent, sociable and good-natured animals." The reasons for the shock can not be speculated. "You can not blame Circus Krone for this," Frank told our editors Thursday. Incidents like this happen very rarely, but are finally "inevitable".

Absence of content and structural changes

The circus does not want to make changes. So, the Lodge will continue to tuck in some parts of the ride. On Wednesday, during the first performance of the circus, an elephant cow was pushed into the spectators' area by her two congeners, starting in this section just behind the ring. The animal has rushed on the leeway up to the front seats. Due to the high temperatures of the summer, the show was sparsely populated, it did not cause serious injury. However, a man suffered minor injuries when he was hit by the animal's head.

A circus spokesman pointed out Thursday that no visitor should be afraid of animals. The accident had been a unique incident and the safety of the public was first and foremost in addition to the welfare of the animals. However, there is no general regulation on the return of the card.

The Mala Elephant Cow squeezed into the box during a performance the day before. The white layer on his leg is thyme oil and comma. this should relieve the pain and the period; Photo & colon; Michael Gründel

The performance is not undisputed

The circus representations of wildlife were discussed at length in Osnabrück. About two years ago, the Osnabrück City Council decided to ban the use of urban space for circuses that work with wild animals. The Osnabrücker Herdbuchgenossenschaft (OHG), which belongs to the popular circus hall of Gartlage Hall, wanted to join this ban. However, legal concerns eventually led to a retreat: the Lower Saxony Higher Administrative Court ruled in a similar Hameln case that decisions such as these irreparably hindered the freedom of action. occupation of circus companies. For animal welfare reasons only, a guest performance of wild animal circuses can not be banned, say the judges. On the contrary, the federal government needs to provide a corresponding legal basis – which of course has not happened yet.

Criticism of UWG and Pirates

On the initiative of CDU, SPD, Greens and BOB, the City Council lifted the ban last November, At the same time, council members continued to denounce the holding and enhancement of wild animals in circuses – a decision without legal obligation for organizers and owners such as the OHG. The content of the resolution was also simply a call to the OHG to continue only to circulate their lands from, which do not carry wild animals. The OHG is not affected by representations of wildlife circuses at Halle Gartlage, which the UWG / Piraten faction of the city council has recently criticized. On Thursday, the pirate Nils Ellmers reiterated his opinion: "The fauna is not presented for entertainment.It is incomprehensible that the OHG has placed its financial interests above the welfare of animals and animals. people. "His group demands that the OHG respect his word and not circulate with wild animals on their properties.

The left also meets the demands of his fellow councilors. to examine whether the presence of wild animals in circuses may be prohibited with the argument of security.

Read here what says the policy of the State of Lower Saxony regarding the incident >>

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