Closed Learning Diving – Knowledge


Chiang Rai

Trapped learning to dive

Chiang Rai. The relief had to be huge. For days, the boys were trapped in a cave in Thailand, Asia, because the outlet was flooded by heavy rains. Lifeguards finally discover the group of young football players and their coach.

First, the helpers look after the children and bring them food. Now the experts are thinking of getting the boys out of the cave. Because the water still blocked the way back. One way is to pump water out of the cave. Then the kids could climb to the exit. The other possibility is that they have to dive.

Some exercises have already been done by children. Diving in a flooded cave is very difficult. "Adults need years to learn to dive properly," says a specialist. "The kids have a lot less time, and they would not do that for fun." It's about putting them safe

However, it's not not possible to learn some important basics in a short time, says the expert.For example, how to deal with the pressure on the ears you feel while diving.Or how to breathe through a mask under the 39, water

"It is particularly difficult not to panic under the water," says the expert. "Children should stay calm while they can barely see in the water. 39 "troubled water." But experienced divers would help them cross the cave.

One thing is clear: diving into the cave is a difficult task, so rescuers are also looking for other ways to do it. To get out of the way, the boys get ready again

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