Coffee awakens the spirits and helps to do more sports


Women who drink one to two cups of tea or coffee a day are more physically active than those who consume less of these drinks. This is the result of a study conducted by the School of Nutritional Sciences and Human Movement at the University of Queensland. The researchers suspect that the effect is due to the caffeine content. "Tea and coffee drinkers are less likely to feel tired and have more energy," says author of the study, Dr. Tina Skinner.

One to two cups of coffee a day get you in shape

Coffee contains many substances that can affect your health. Thinkstock

How is coffee?

Coffee in the morning – and the day is saved, it is at least the most Swiss. Some people can drink five cups of coffee and sleep well, others steal a little cup of sleep. The reason is apparently a different sensitivity to caffeine.

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For those who drank one to two cups of coffee a day, they were 17% more likely to reach the recommended level of physical activity. For those who drank one to two cups of tea, the value was 13 to 26 percent higher. The results of the study are published in the journal "International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health".

Anyone who drinks more coffee lives longer

Good news for coffee lovers: the caffeine potion prolongs life! Anyone who drinks at least four cups a day will increase their lives by 64% compared to non-drinkers.

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Caffeine reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers

"The consumption of natural and abundant caffeine in coffee and tea is badociated with various health benefits," said Dr. Skinner. Studies have shown that caffeine can help make more effort in the sport. "Caffeine is also badociated with reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers," Skinner said. The study examined the habits of 7,580 women born between 1946 and 1951 who participated in a long-term Australian study on women's health. (Aponet)

Latte Macchiatos & Co. are becoming more and more popular. Getty Images

Calories in espresso, latte macchiato, cappuccino

Espresso, latte macchiato, cappuccino and others are often welcome when we have a long day. But are the popular energy bombs also useful in the context of a weight reduction? Which coffee is the thickest?

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