Coffee: the daily dose of caffeine makes you active and sporty


It is often not easy to get into sport. A recent study by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health showed that having a cup of tea or coffee can get you started.

Researchers from the University of Queensland School of Nutritional Sciences and Human Movement conducted a study on the effectiveness of tea or coffee for women's physical activity.

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The habits of 7,580 women were examined. All subjects in the study were born between 1946 and 1951 and participated in a long-term Australian study on women's health.

As part of the study, participants documented their average consumption of tea and coffee over the past year, as well as their movement and sports behaviors during the past week.

Caffeine consumption increases activity

The result was clear: women who drink one or two cups of coffee or tea a day are more likely to play sports than women who drink less often those drinks containing caffeine.

One of the participating researchers, Dr. med. Tina Skinner, told the German Health Portal, that caffeine consumption through coffee and tea can promote the sports activity of middle-aged women because it reduces the lack of motivation.

"Fatigue and lack of energy often prevent middle-aged and older women from doing the necessary work," said Dr. Skinner.

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Sports activities are extremely important for staying healthy and fit, even in old age. Those who are also active in old age improve their physical functionality and reduce the risk of aging.

Caffeine seems to be the ideal aid for those who often lack motivation. "For those who drink one or two cups of coffee a day, they are 17% more likely to reach the recommended level of exercise.For those who drink one to two cups of tea a day, the figure was 13 to 26 %, "said Dr. Skinner.

Natural caffeine beneficial to health

The researcher also explains that caffeine consumption in coffee and tea has already been badociated with various health benefits.

This therefore reduces the sensation of effort during movement or may increase the intensity of physical exercises. Caffeine has also been suspected in the past to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, dementia and some cancers.

Anyone who wants to consume caffeine, but should turn to natural caffeine donors.

Artificial suppliers such as energy drinks often contain many unhealthy ingredients and a lot of sugar. They should therefore be avoided as much as possible.

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