Cologne: Defusing a 20-cent bomb in the polling station


Cologne –

Duds found in Cologne – and a whole neighborhood had to be evacuated!

Wednesday afternoon, a bomb of 20 percentiles of the Second World War was found on a plot of Siegburger Straße in Poll. Approximately 10,000 residents were affected and had to leave their four walls. But it was difficult.

The evacuation radius was 1,000 meters, the inhabitants of Cologne had to leave their homes, the elderly had to leave their retirement homes and the refugees had to leave their homes. KVB trains pbaded without stopping in the neighborhood, no one could go up or down. Even part of the A4 was in the restricted area, the road between Vingst and Cologne South had to be closed during defusing.


Due to the bomb recovered from 20 centiles on the Second World War in Cologne-Poll (Siegburger 504), a 1000-meter evacuation radius around the locality is needed.

Refuseniks delayed evacuation in Cologne-Poll

But the evacuation took a lot longer than expected. One of the reasons for this is the large number of patient transports: the sick and the elderly had to be transported by ambulance from their home or apartment. The exact time of defusing has therefore been shifted more and more. After midnight, all the evacuations were finally over, some objectors had delayed the process, they did not want to leave their homes. According to the regulatory office, they cooperated.

At 0.34, the A4 was locked. At 2.24 pm could finally give the green light: the misfire was defused

The city had three focal points for the affected citizens. About 400 people were at the Mudra barracks in Cologne-Westhoven, many of whom were at the Cologne-Deutz special school. At the local high school, there were once again 100 Cologne residents for a short stay. The service of orders and transport was composed of 103 members, while the civil protection was on the site with more than 100 badistants. The German Red Cross, the police, the fire brigade and the Bundeswehr also helped.


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